How much does it cost to replace rear brake pads and discs?

How much does it cost to replace rear brake pads and discs?

The average cost to replace your front brake discs and pads is £224.00. Costs can range from £140 to £400. The average cost to replace your back brake discs and pads is £249.00. Again, those costs can range from £140 to £400.

Are rear brakes more expensive?

If you have rear disc brakes, this repair (with just the standard pad/rotor replacement) will run $25-$75 higher than the front brake repair, on average….Are back brakes more expensive?

Pads & Rotors Cost Range
Pads (Parts) $35 to $150
Labour $150 to $200
Total $250 to $500 per axle

Do rear or front brakes last longer?

Your front brake pads will also wear down faster than your rear pads. The front of your vehicle handles a lot more weight transfer as you brake, causing more wear. Over time heat and friction also contribute to brake pad wear. Which axle your brakes are on will also influence how much wear and tear your pads sustain.

How do you know when you need new brakes?

First, check for wear by looking at your brake pads through the spaces between the wheel’s spokes. The outside pad will be pressed against a metal rotor. Generally, there should be at least 1/4 inch of pad. If you see less than 1/4 inch of pad, you may want to have your brake pads inspected or replaced.

How do I know if I need new brakes or rotors?

It could represent four signs that it’s time to replace your brake rotors.

  • Vibrating Steering Wheel. If you feel pulsing in the brake pedal and vibration in the steering wheel when you slow down, your rotors could be signaling trouble.
  • Intermittent Screeching.
  • Blue Coloration.
  • Excessive Wear Over Time.

What do bad rotors sound like?

Noises When the Vehicle Brakes Warped rotors can cause a squeaking noise when the brakes are applied. They can also make a scraping or grinding sound when they’re warped and worn down. The squealing noise, however, can also be made by brake pads that are worn out.

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