How much energy is used in photosynthesis?

How much energy is used in photosynthesis?

The part of the solar spectrum used by plants has an estimated mean wavelength of 570 nm; therefore, the energy of light used during photosynthesis is approximately 28,600/570, or 50 kcal per einstein.

What percentage of sunlight is used in photosynthesis?

3 percent

What organisms use energy for food?

Autotrophs are the producers in the food chain, meaning they create their own nutrients and energy. Kelp, like most autotrophs, creates energy through a process called photosynthesis. An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals.

What plant has the highest rate of photosynthesis?

Sun plants

What increases photosynthesis rate?

Without enough light, a plant cannot photosynthesise very quickly – even if there is plenty of water and carbon dioxide and a suitable temperature. Increasing the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis, until some other factor – a limiting factor – becomes in short supply.

Which light increase the rate of photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll a is used in both photosystems. The wavelength of light is also important. PSI absorbs energy most efficiently at 700 nm and PSII at 680 nm. Light with a higher proportion of energy concentrated in these wavelengths will produce a higher rate of photosynthesis.

Why does blue light increase the rate of photosynthesis?

The proteins of chloroplast sub-compartments under blue LEDs at high light intensity optimize photosynthesis and provide an advantage for higher growth and development of plants than those grown under red and green LEDs at low light intensities.

What 3 things affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Three factors can limit the rate of photosynthesis: light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.

What is the rate of photosynthesis controlled by?


Which of the following is a factor that does not affect the rate of photosynthesis in plants?

The intensity of light beyond a particular limit is unable to increase the rate of photosynthesis.

Does the light color affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Answer 2: The color or wavelength of light does affect photosynthesis, which is how plants can basically create their own food. Essentially, the reason why plants are green is they are absorbing the other wavelengths of light but reflecting back the green.

How does the Colour of light influence the rate of photosynthesis in plants?

Hypothesis: The lights higher on the light spectrum, like blue, would have the fastest rate of photosynthesis because the energy is the highest. The green light would have the slowest rate because the chlorophyll inside of the leaves reflects green light, so it would not be absorbed as much as the other colors.

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