How much freon does a 2009 Dodge journey take?

How much freon does a 2009 Dodge journey take?

You need 22oz for a “front only” a/c system and 32oz of R-134a refrigerant for “front and rear” a/c system. The compressor is off likely due to insufficient refrigerant charge in the system. Once the minimum required charge has be provided, the compressor clutch should engage (check for blown fuse if it does not).

How much coolant does a Dodge Journey hold?

Engine lubricant oil capacity: 5.2 liter / 5.5 U.S. qt / 4.6 imp. qt
Engine coolant capacity: 10 liter / 10.6 U.S. qt / 8.8 imp. qt
Fuel tank capacity: 80 liter / 21.2 U.S. gal / 17.6 imp. gal

What happens if refrigerant pressure is too high?

Too high a pressure may result in a leak on the evaporator’s thin aluminum and its folded seams, the condenser piping, and other thin parts of the piping system. Additionally, once you experienced high pressure, it is an indication that the system has enough refrigerant.

How do I know if I have too much refrigerant?

Increased Heat Discharge – If you notice that your air conditioner is blasting extremely hot air from its vents, it means the unit has too much refrigerant and the system is producing extra heat. This is due to the motors being overworked by the overpowered condensing lines.

What causes excessive high side pressure?

High Pressure Side is TOO HIGH Dirty or clogged condenser fins, Cooling fans do not operate correctly. Clean and / or repair the condenser core / fans. Utilize your refrigerant recovery equipment to capture excess refrigerant. Charge to the correct refrigerant levels.

What should the high and low side pressure be in a r134a system?

R134a Pressure Gauge Chart

Ambient Temperature (°F) Low Side High Side
90° 50-55 psi 250-275 psi
85° 50-55 psi 220-250 psi
80° 45-50 psi 175-220 psi
75° 40-45 psi 150-175 psi

What are the operating pressures for 134a?

The normal running pressure that 134a has ranged between 22 and 57 psi.

What are normal pressures for 134a?

What are the Normal Operating Pressures for R134a? The pressure for an ordinarily operating R134a is between 22 and 57 pounds per square inch (PSI).

What should the gauges read on 134a?

On a properly working system, high-side pressure will be about twice the ambient temperature, plus 50 PSI. What should the low side pressure be on 134a?…What should the gauges read on 134a?

Ambient Temperature (°F) Low Side High Side
90° 50-55 psi 250-275 psi
85° 50-55 psi 220-250 psi
80° 45-50 psi 175-220 psi
75° 40-45 psi 150-175 psi

What is the correct AC pressure?

Actual readings will vary according to ambient temperature. The low-side should be near 30 PSI at 90 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Pressure that is too much lower or higher shows there is a problem. On a properly working system, high-side pressure will be about twice the ambient temperature, plus 50 PSI.

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