How much gas will it cost to drive from Texas to California?

How much gas will it cost to drive from Texas to California?

The total cost of driving from Texas to California (one-way) is $219.71 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $439.42 to go from Texas to California and back to Texas again. Regular fuel costs are around $3.48 per gallon for your trip.

How much would it cost in gas to drive 2000 miles?

Cost To Drive 2,000 Miles

MPG $2 per gallon $3 per gallon
1 MPG $4,000.00 $6,000.00
2 MPG $2,000.00 $3,000.00
3 MPG $1,333.33 $2,000.00
4 MPG $1,000.00 $1,500.00

How much would it cost in gas to drive 1000 miles?

Cost To Drive 1,000 Miles

MPG $2 per gallon $4 per gallon
1 MPG $2,000.00 $4,000.00
2 MPG $1,000.00 $2,000.00
3 MPG $666.67 $1,333.33
4 MPG $500.00 $1,000.00

How much should I give someone for gas money?

Depending on the state you’re in gas prices may vary, but really the cost of the gas is minimal, like $1 probably. Time is more valuable though and at the barest minimum you should give them $5.

How many gallons of gas does it take for a mile?

Divide that figure into one to calculate the number of gallons used per mile. As an example, if you get 20 mpg, then divide 20 into one. This results in 0.05 gallon per mile. This means that for every mile you drive, you are consuming 0.05 gallon of gas.

How do I figure out how many gallons of gas I need?

Calculate the overall gas cost of your trip First, divide the distance of the route by your miles per gallon figure to find out how many gallons of gas you will need. After that, multiply the number of gallons by the price of gas to calculate the gas cost for your journey.

How many miles can the car travel using 9 gallons of gasoline?

SOLUTION: Starting with a full tank of gas, if you use 9 gallons of gasoline, your car can go another 315 miles before running out of fuel.

How do you calculate gas per mile?

The formula to calculate gas mileage: Miles driven รท gallons used to refill the tank. Take the miles traveled (from the trip computer), divide that by the number of gallons used to refill the tank. For example, the trip shows 200 miles since you last filled up, and it took 15 gallons to refill the tank.

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