How much is a Bobcat 773 worth?

How much is a Bobcat 773 worth?

Bobcat 773 Skid Steer Loaders listed from most recent to oldest auction sale.

Auction Date Model Name Price
2020-09-19 Bobcat 773 $5,280.00 USD
2020-09-19 Bobcat 773 $4,900.00 USD
2020-09-16 2009 Bobcat 773 $14,301.00 USD
2020-09-14 2001 Bobcat 773 $11,124.00 USD

Where is the fuse box on a 773 bobcat?

It is on the panel directly below where you would grab the lever to move the seat forward and back.

What horsepower is a 773 bobcat?

Bobcat Skid Steer 773 Turbo G-Series Specifications

Engine Cooling Liquid
Engine Fuel Diesel
Horsepower 56 hp
Rated Operating Capacity ( SAE ) 1,850 lbs
Tipping Load 3900 lbs

What does 2 speed mean on skid steer?

2-Speed Travel – Loaders. When you boost your speed in high range, you’ll reduce travel time across your jobsite or between jobs. If you maintain a large campus, for example, the 2-Speed travel option helps you quickly travel to the next job site quickly to perform your next job.

How fast can a bobcat run?

Bobcats are excellent climbers and can run up to 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour).

What time of day are bobcats most active?

The Bobcat is a solitary and nocturnal animal that is most active in the darkness of night, tending to hunt most during dawn and dusk. During the day, Bobcats sleep and rest in dens in the form of a rock crevice or hollow tree with one individual having a number of dens within its home range.

Is a cheetah faster than a bobcat?

A cheetah definitely outruns a bobcat, but in one on one, paw-to-paw combat the bobcat might have an advantage: it is smaller than the cheetah but more sturdily built and has 5 sharp claws and serious jaw force.

Who is faster cat or dog?

Domestic dogs are, on average, faster than domestic cats. However, on average, dogs are faster. Fast domestic dogs can get up to 35-40 mph.

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