How much is a bus from Johannesburg to Botswana?

How much is a bus from Johannesburg to Botswana?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 2
Minimum Price $17
Average Ticket Price $24
Minimum Trip Duration 7h45m
Average Bus Trip Duration 7h45m

How do I get from Johannesburg to Botswana?

The best way to get from Johannesburg to Botswana is to fly which takes 4h 6m and costs R 2 500 – R 5 500. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs R 250 – R 480 and takes 4h 25m.

How many hours is it from Johannesburg to Botswana?

How long is the drive from Johannesburg, South Africa to Gaborone, Botswana? The total driving time is 4 hours, 33 minutes.

How much is InterCape from Johannesburg to Lilongwe?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 2
Minimum Price $60
Average Ticket Price $90
Minimum Trip Duration 1d11h
Average Bus Trip Duration 1d13h

How much is the Munorurama bus from Johannesburg to Lilongwe?

bus ticket prices from johannesburg to lilongwe? Bus prices to Lilongwe costs between R1200 to ZAR 1200.00 each seat.

How much is a bus ticket from Johannesburg to Mzuzu?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 2
Minimum Price $68
Average Ticket Price $93
Minimum Trip Duration 19h30m
Average Bus Trip Duration 1d21h

How much is Munorurama bus from Johannesburg to Mzimba?

This bus price from Johannesburg costs about ZAR 1100.00. The bus fares can vary from onboard bus services, daily promotions and bus seats availability.

How much is Munorurama bus from Johannesburg to Blantyre?

This bus price from Johannesburg costs about ZAR 1200.00. The bus fares can vary from onboard bus services, daily promotions and bus seats availability.

How much does it cost to travel from South Africa to Malawi?

The best way to get from South Africa to Malawi is to fly which takes 2h 42m and costs R 4 000 – R 12 000. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs R 10 048 and takes 24h.

How much is the bus from Durban to Malawi?

The best way to get from Durban to Malawi without a car is to bus which takes 32h 44m and costs R 10 200 – R 10 700.

Can I book a flight and pay cash?

All major airlines accept cash at their ticket counters for both domestic and international travel. You can also use cash at many travel agencies. Your method of payment may result in additional screening—but, then again, it might not. Cash payments are a recurring theme in terrorist incidents.

How do I book a flight and pay later?

Book now pay later method of flight booking allows travelers to pay in equal installments over a 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month period. Once you select Affirm as the payment method, a credit check is performed.

How do I pay for a flight with cash?

Visit a travel agent and discuss your travel plans. A travel agent can do some research and help you find the least expensive flight. Your agent can make a reservation with the airline you choose and accept your cash payment in exchange for the tickets.

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