How much is a bus ticket from Dallas Texas to Oklahoma City?

How much is a bus ticket from Dallas Texas to Oklahoma City?

Quick info about your trip between Dallas, TX and Oklahoma City, OK

Bus ticket from $19.99
Distance between Dallas, TX & Oklahoma City, OK 190 miles
Direct connections Yes
Environmentally-friendly bus travel Yes

How much is the bus from Texas to Oklahoma?

What bus companies travel from Dallas to Oklahoma City?

Bus Daily Trips Avg. Price
El Expreso Bus 1 $66.35
Tornado Bus 9 $65.60

How much is a bus ticket from Dallas Texas to Tulsa Oklahoma?

Quick info about your trip between Dallas, TX and Tulsa, OK

Bus ticket from $19.99
Distance between Dallas, TX & Tulsa, OK 238 miles
Direct connections Yes
Environmentally-friendly bus travel Yes

How much is the flight ticket from Texas to Oklahoma?

To save on the cost of your flight from Texas to Oklahoma, book at least 24 days before your planned departure….

Airline United Airlines
Cheapest $112
Average $365
Flexibility No cancel fee
Search United Airlines flights

How much are bus tickets to Oklahoma?

What are the most popular bus routes to Oklahoma City?

Daily Buses Average price
Buses from Dallas to Oklahoma City 3 $33
Buses from Tulsa to Oklahoma City 3 $30
Buses from Houston to Oklahoma City 3 $47
Buses from Los Angeles to Oklahoma City 7 $190

Does Megabus go to Oklahoma City?

The bus will pick up and drop off Oklahoma City passengers in the parking lot at the northwest corner of N Hudson Avenue and NW 5 Street. The Norman stop is the Lloyd Noble Center parking lot, 2900 N Jenkins. The Oklahoma City to Dallas route takes three hours and 35 minutes, Moser said.

Does Amtrak go to Oklahoma?

Amtrak Service & Ridership Amtrak serves Oklahoma with one state-supported train, the Heartland Flyer (daily Oklahoma City-Fort Worth, Texas). The Heartland Flyer provides connections to the Amtrak national train network at Fort Worth.

How much is a train ride to Oklahoma?

ROUND-TRIP FROM $71 The cheapest round-trip train ticket to Oklahoma City is from Dallas, starting at $71. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
POPULAR STATION Oklahoma City Oklahoma City is one of the most popular stations in Oklahoma City
POPULAR TRAIN COMPANY Amtrak Amtrak services this train route

Are there any passenger trains in Oklahoma?

The AMTRAK Heartland Flyer is a passenger rail service between Oklahoma City and Fort Worth, Texas. The Heartland Flyer offers two daily trains, one each way, with stops in Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley, Ardmore and Gainesville. Each train consists of bi-level coaches.

How do you pay for the OKC streetcar?

Buy fares on your mobile phone or at a ticket vending machine on the platform – only coins or cards are accepted.

Is there a train from Oklahoma to Florida?

Amtrak is the one and only train line which connects Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Orlando, Florida. The schedule is relatively limited as the train only runs twice a day.

Does Tulsa have a train station?

The Tulsa Union Depot (also known as the Tulsa Union Station) is the former central railway station for Tulsa, Oklahoma….

Tulsa Union Depot
Other names Tulsa Union Station
Location 5 S Boston Ave, Tulsa, OK 74103
Other information
Status School and Museum

What is the closest Amtrak station to Tulsa Oklahoma?

Amtrak railway stations nearest Tulsa Oklahoma

Amtrak stations Name mi. Dir
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 90.61 SW
Norman, Oklahoma 96.34 SW
Purcell, Oklahoma 102.15 SW
Pauls Valley, Oklahoma 111.38 SW

Does Amtrak go to Lawton Oklahoma?

If you are looking for a fast, easy and efficient way of traveling to Lawton from Dallas, opt for a train that departs from Victory Station and arrives at Oklahoma City Amtrak Station. The railroad connecting two cities is about 376 miles. The trip lasts 9 hours.

Can you take a train from Oklahoma to California?

No, there is no direct train from Oklahoma to California. However, there are services departing from Oklahoma City and arriving at Los Angeles via Fort Worth. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 46h 27m.

How much is a train ticket from Oklahoma to California?

Which train should you take from Oklahoma City to Los Angeles?

Train Daily Trips Avg. Price
Amtrak 2 $331.75

How much is a bus ticket from Oklahoma to California?

The average bus ticket price from Oklahoma City to Los Angeles is $183.

How much would it cost to drive from Oklahoma to California?

The total cost of driving from Oklahoma to California (one-way) is $208.51 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $417.02 to go from Oklahoma to California and back to Oklahoma again. Regular fuel costs are around $3.55 per gallon for your trip.

Is it cheaper to drive or fly to Texas?

Driving might be the cheapest option for you. Even though it can take longer to drive than fly for long-distance trips, gas and lodging can be cheaper than plane tickets, baggage fees, and rental cars.

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