How much is a ton of White Rock?

How much is a ton of White Rock?

Landscape Rock Pricing by Type

Rock Type Price
Crushed Stone, Rock, Shells $50 – $65 per ton $40 – $55 per cubic yard
White $10 – $20 per bag $500 – $1,200 per pallet
Mexican Beach Pebble $20 – $30 per bag
Granite $50 – $70 per cubic yard $1 – $4 per bag

What is the best rock for a driveway?

These are the best options for driveway surfaces gravel, because they are small stones combined with rock dust, which makes a more solid driving surface.

  • Crushed Stone #411. It is crushed up #57 stone combined with rock dust.
  • Quarry Process.
  • Pea Gravel.
  • Jersey Shore Gravel.
  • Marble Chips.
  • Blackstar or Blacktrap Rock.

What is the cheapest landscaping rock?

Crushed gravel

What size rock is best for landscaping?

1″ river rock – 1″ river rock is perfect size for your landscape as it is still small enough for walkways but can also be used to construct riverbeds and features. It creates a variety of design options for you to choose from. 1-3″ river rock – As river rocks continue to get larger in size they remain versatile.

What does River Rock look like?

River rock is like the big brother to pea gravel. It too is generally smooth but is larger in size. You can buy river rock in different colors: white, black, brown or a mixture. Sometimes they even have a marble like look.

Is River Rock expensive?

The national average cost of landscaping stones is between $250 and $2,500. Most homeowners pay around $600 for a 20 sq. ft. dry river bed made of pea gravel and mixed river stones….River Rock Prices by Type.

River Rock Type Cost per Ton (Materials Only)
Salt and Pepper $175 – $280

Does River Rock attract snakes?

Avoid using mulch and large rock in your landscaping. These materials attract snakes and their prey, and can create breeding and overwintering habitat. Instead, use smaller tight-fitting rock such as gravel or river rock. Avoid water gardens and Koi ponds as these water features attract snakes.

How do you use river rock for landscaping?

Place a layer of river rocks around your garden beds as edging. Edging accentuates your flower beds and gardens by creating a definitive border, and it helps to prevent erosion. The result: Edging with river rocks can keep mulch from spilling out of garden beds after heavy rain or wind.

Does Home Depot sell River Rock?

River Rock – Large – Landscape Rocks – Landscaping Supplies – The Home Depot.

Does Lowes sell River Rock?

River rock Landscaping Rock at

Does Walmart sell River Rock?

All American Decorative Stone River Rock 0.5 cu. ft. 40 lb. – –

How much will a ton of river rock cover?

River rock measuring 3 to 6 inches will cover roughly 50 square feet per ton. River rock measuring 6 inches and over will cover roughly 25 square feet per ton.

How do you calculate river rock coverage?

Calculate River Rock: Measuring Area Multiply the length of the space by the width. For example, if your flowerbed is 10 feet long and 6 feet wide, it’s 60 square feet.

How do I calculate how much rock I need?

Length in feet x Width in feet x Depth in feet (inches divided by 12). Take the total and divide by 21.6 (the amount of cubic feet in a ton). The final figure will be the estimated amount of tons required.

How much does it cost to spread River Rock?

Install River Rock national average cost

cost to install river rock
National Avg. Materials Cost per ton $148.78
National Avg. Cost (labor and materials) for 1 ton $244.44
National Cost Range (labor and materials) for 1 ton $203.05 – $285.82

How many square feet does a ton of rock cover?

Coverage Chart
One Ton of Rock Covers: One Cubic Yard of Soil or Wood Mulch Covers:
240 square feet 1” deep 300 square feet
120 square feet 2” deep 150 square feet
80 square feet 3” deep 100 square feet

How deep should River Rock be for landscaping?

The suggested depth of coverage varies according to the size of the individual stones. If the stone size is 1/2-inch or less, the suggested depth is 2-inches. Stones that are 3/4-inch to 1-inch should have a depth of about 3-inches. Stones that are 1-inch or larger should have a depth of 4-inches.

Where can I get free rocks?

Shop Craigslist and Freecycle Craigslist and Freecycle can be a good source for free rocks, but you’ll have to check both sites regularly and be quick on the draw when an offer comes up.

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