How much is a train ticket from Copenhagen to Malmo?

How much is a train ticket from Copenhagen to Malmo?

Copenhagen to Malmö Central by train

Journey time From 39m
Price From €119.80
Distance 18 miles (28 km)
Frequency 15 trains per day
First train 01:47

How do I buy a train ticket in Sweden?

On the website of Swedish national rail operator SJ, you can check connections and book your tickets online. You can usually check times and purchase tickets for the complete route, including any sections where it is necessary to travel by bus. To see timetables and book your tickets, go to

How do I get from Copenhagen to Malmo by train?

Train between Copenhagen and Malmö The train between Copenhagen and Malmö is called the Øresundståg. The train trip costs about 77 DKK/110 SEK each way and goes all day between Copenhagen and Malmö central station. Trains leave approximately every 10 minutes.

Is it worth going to Malmo from Copenhagen?

Malmo is a nice town but nothing compared to Copenhagen. If you have a free day, it is certainly worth a visit but I would sacrifice any time in Copenhagen or the surrounds for it. I personally would recommend Roskilde or Helsingor as better day trip options than Malmo.

Do you need passport to go from Copenhagen to Malmo?

Passport checks between Copenhagen and Malmö There are currently no formal border checks on the bridge, however valid ID is required to enter Sweden, so always take your passport with you, even if you’re only visiting for the day, and regardless of which mode of transport you use to make the crossing.

Can you walk across the bridge between Denmark and Sweden?

December 1, 1999: The final section of the railway between Copenhagen and Malmö is placed in position. June 9 – 12, 2000: The Øresund Bridge opens to the public. Hundreds of thousands of people cycle, run or walk across the link during the special “Open Bridge” days.

What is Malmo famous for?

Malmö is well-known for its beautiful city parks. In the heart of the city, right by Malmöhus Castle, the 8.4-acre Kungsparken (The King’s Park) is Malmö’s oldest park. It was originally called King Oscar’s Park after it was opened in 1872 by the Swedish monarch and is inspired by English gardens.

How much does it cost to cross the bridge from Copenhagen to Malmo?

Well, if you cross the bridge by bus or train, it will cost you around 10 euro. Train travel is much better as it runs every 20 minutes and takes around 20-25 minutes to reach Malmo, Sweden from Copenhagen airport. If you drive, bridge toll will be around 45 euro and is way expensive!

Is it cheaper to stay in Malmo or Copenhagen?

Hotels in Malmo are a bit cheaper, but Copenhagen is where all the action is. Maybe spend all but your final night in Copenhagen. The Cabinn Metro (good access from the airport and to the city) is pretty cheap, and an ok place to stay in Copenhagen.

How much does it cost to cross the bridge from Denmark to Sweden?

Øresund Bridge

Øresund Bridge Öresund Bridge
Daily traffic ca. 19,000 road vehicles (2014)
Toll DKK 390, SEK 460 or EUR 54
Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap

How long does it take to cross the bridge from Denmark to Sweden?

about 10 minutes

How long does it take to drive from Malmo to Copenhagen?

approximately 38 min

Is there border control between Denmark and Sweden?

The Danish government have introduced temporary border control from Sweden to Denmark. The border controls will be conducted by the ferry in Rønne, Helsingør, Frederikshavn og Grenaa, as well as by the Øresund bridge and by the train from Sweden to Denmark.

Why does the Øresund Bridge have a tunnel?

Why was the tunnel required? To accommodate the large shipping traffic through this busy channel, the Øresund Bridge had to be very tall and wide. To avoid the fear of an airplane crashing into a support tower of the bridge, the tunnel was built.

How deep is the water under the Oresund Bridge?

The Øresund Bridge, between the Danish capital Copenhagen and the Swedish city of Malmö, inaugurated on 1 July 2000, connects a bi-national metropolitan area with close to 4 million inhabitants….

Max. length 118 km (73 mi)
Max. width 28 kilometres (17 mi)
Min. width 4 km (2.5 mi)
Max. depth −40 m (−130 ft)

How much does it cost to cross the Oresund bridge?

The six hours begin when you pass the toll station on the Swedish side….Full price or BroPas contract?

Price per single trip SmutTur BroPas
Motorcycle 7,00 11,00
Annual fee: 43 EUR

Does the bridge between Sweden and Denmark go underwater?

The Øresund Bridge runs nearly 8 kilometres (5 miles) from the Swedish coast to the artificial island of Peberholm, which lies in the middle of the strait. The crossing of the strait is completed by a 4 km (2.5-mile) underwater tunnel, called the Drogden Tunnel, from Peberholm to the Danish island of Amager.

How deep is the water between Denmark and Sweden?

Covering an area of 9,840 square miles (25,485 square km), the Kattegat is 137 miles (220 km) long, varies in width from 37 to 88 miles (approximately 60 to 142 km), and has a mean depth of 84 feet (26 metres).

What is the longest underwater tunnel?

the Seikan tunnel

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