How much is Greyhound from Johannesburg to Capetown?
Information on this bus route
Daily Buses | 49 |
Average Ticket Price | $37 |
Minimum Trip Duration | 45m |
Average Bus Trip Duration | 18h50m |
Bus Companies on This Route | Citiliner, Greyhound Mega Coach, Intercape |
How much is bus from Johannesburg to Capetown?
Land trips from Johannesburg to Cape Town | |
Eldo coaches leaves 11h30 arrives 04h05 the next morning | R399 |
Shosholoza Meyl economy class leaves 12h30 arrives 15h30 the next afternoon | R440 |
City to City coach leaves 13h00 arrives 06h05 the next morning | R560 |
Intercape coach leaves 19h30 arrives 15h30 the next day | R610 |
How much does it cost from Johannesburg to Cape Town?
The average bus ticket price from Cape Town to Johannesburg is $38.
How long is a bus ride from Johannesburg to Cape Town?
The bus traveling length from Johannesburg to Cape Town is around 19h 10m. Eldo Coaches advertise it has the fastest transportation from Johannesburg.
Does Pick and Pay sell bus tickets?
Travelstart customers can now book and pay for flight and bus tickets directly in over 260 Pick n Pay stores nationwide, with ease. Travelstart’s partnership with Pick n Pay brings a new level of convenience to its customers by allowing you to book your travels at your nearest Pick n Pay store.
Can you book flights at Spar?
SPAR has partnered with Ticketpro to bring you tickets for the most exciting events around the country. Simply head to your nearest SPAR store with an in-store kiosk, book and pay for your ticket and have it printed in-store. Or pay online and collect your ticket from your nearest in-store kiosk at SPAR.
How much is Eldo bus tickets prices?
In this route, travellers will buy an Eldo Coaches ticket from R 210.00, while the ticket in others companies cost up to R380. 00. There are some ways for travellers book their bus tickets on Eldo Coaches. Cash and credit card can make payments.