How much is the US dollar worth in Ecuador?
US dollars to Ecuadorian sucres conversion table
amount | convert | Result |
1 USD | USD | 24 486.00 ECS |
2 USD | USD | 48 972.01 ECS |
3 USD | USD | 73 458.01 ECS |
4 USD | USD | 97 944.01 ECS |
What is the currency in Ecuador today?
United States Dollar
What was the exchange rate in 2004?
The magnitude of the numbers in the list does not indicate, by themselves, the strength or weakness of a particular currency. For example, the U.S. dollar could be rebased tomorrow so that 1 new dollar was worth 100 old dollars….Table for 2008 to 2018.
Currency | Pound Sterling |
Code | GBP |
2002 | 0.4303 |
2003 | 0.4033 |
2004 | 0.3517 |
What was the highest pound to dollar exchange rate?
How much was a peso worth in 1940?
1940 Mexican Peso is 97.740207 US Dollar. So, you’ve converted 1940 Mexican Peso to 97.740207 US Dollar. We used 19.848536 International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies and CryptoCurrencies for our Calculator. You can convert Mexican Peso to other currencies from the drop down list.
How much is a 10000 Mexican bill worth?
That’s when the Mexican government just lopped three zeros off the end; meaning that your 10,000 peso note in old pesos is worth 10 new pesos, or about fifty cents U.S. Now, if you actually have 10,000 in new Mexican pesos (MXN), that’s worth about $500 USD.
How much was a peso worth in 1975?
Mexico inflation – Conversion table
Initial Value | Equivalent value |
$1 peso in 1975 | $5,322.99 pesos today |
$5 pesos in 1975 | $26,614.97 pesos today |
$10 pesos in 1975 | $53,229.94 pesos today |
$50 pesos in 1975 | $266,149.69 pesos today |
How much was a peso worth in 1993?
Mexico inflation – Conversion table
Initial Value | Equivalent value |
$1 peso in 1993 | $8.53 pesos today |
$5 pesos in 1993 | $42.67 pesos today |
$10 pesos in 1993 | $85.35 pesos today |
$50 pesos in 1993 | $426.74 pesos today |
How much is $1000 dollars in pesos?
Are you overpaying your bank?
Conversion rates US Dollar / Mexican Peso | |
1000 USD | 19877.70000 MXN |
2000 USD | 39755.40000 MXN |
5000 USD | 99388.50000 MXN |
10000 USD | 198777.00000 MXN |
What was a peso worth in 1980?
Mexico inflation – Conversion table
Initial Value | Equivalent value |
$1 peso in 1980 | $2,234.39 pesos today |
$5 pesos in 1980 | $11,171.95 pesos today |
$10 pesos in 1980 | $22,343.9 pesos today |
$50 pesos in 1980 | $111,719.52 pesos today |
How much was a peso worth in 1970?
Mexico inflation – Conversion table
Initial Value | Equivalent value |
$1 peso in 1970 | $9,036.63 pesos today |
$5 pesos in 1970 | $45,183.14 pesos today |
$10 pesos in 1970 | $90,366.28 pesos today |
$50 pesos in 1970 | $451,831.42 pesos today |
How much was a peso worth in 1983?
Mexico inflation – Conversion table
Initial Value | Equivalent value |
$1 peso in 1983 | $672.38 pesos today |
$5 pesos in 1983 | $3,361.89 pesos today |
$10 pesos in 1983 | $6,723.78 pesos today |
$50 pesos in 1983 | $33,618.91 pesos today |
Are old coins from Mexico worth anything?
Collecting uncirculated Mexican coins are worth your time and investment. Examples of uncirculated coins you can buy online are the Mexican 5 peso silver coin that honors the last Aztec King and the 1921 Gold 50 Peso Mexican coin, the latter will cost you $4,000 USD to have the gold coin in your collection.
Can you still use old Mexican pesos?
Stores won’t accept the old bank notes: If you have old bank notes you want to exchange for present-day notes, you need to take them to the Bank of Mexico or to any of one Mexico’s retail banks. The exchange limit at a retail bank is 500 notes or a present-day value of $3,000 pesos.
Is there a 50000 peso bill?
The peso is the currency of Mexico. The Banco de Mexico started issuing these 50000 Pesos banknotes in 1986. The banknote of 50000 Pesos depicts the portrait of The latest Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan and The back side of the purple coloured cincuenta mil pesos bill shows a fight between a Spaniard and Aztec.
How much is a $500 Mexican coin worth?
A $500 note from the year 1988 is currently worth $12,037.14 in Mexican Pesos.
What is a $2 Mexican coin worth?
Country | Mexico |
Period | United Mexican States (1905-date) |
Type | Standard circulation coin |
Years | 1996-2021 |
Value | 2 Pesos 2 MXN = 0.10 USD |
How much is $500 pesos in dollars?
Are you overpaying your bank?
Conversion rates Mexican Peso / US Dollar | |
100 MXN | 4.99251 USD |
250 MXN | 12.48128 USD |
500 MXN | 24.96255 USD |
1000 MXN | 49.92510 USD |