How much is transport from Polokwane to Johannesburg?

How much is transport from Polokwane to Johannesburg?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 7
Minimum Price $15
Average Ticket Price $19
Minimum Trip Duration 5h40m
Average Bus Trip Duration 5h50m

How much is a bus from Limpopo to Johannesburg?

Bus prices to Johannesburg costs between R250 to ZAR 500.00 each seat.

How much is a bus ticket from Polokwane to Johannesburg?

The cost-effective way to get from Polokwane to Johannesburg is to bus, which costs R 190 – R 270 and takes 4h 40m.

How much is a bus ticket from Johannesburg to Tzaneen?

The best way to get from Johannesburg to Tzaneen without a car is to bus and taxi which takes 6h 47m and costs R 1 100 – R 1 500.

How many hours is it from Johannesburg to Tzaneen?

Distance between Johannesburg, South Africa and Tzaneen, South Africa is 415.2 km

@ Speed Time
70 Km/h (43 mph) 5 Hours 56 minutes
60 Km/h (37 mph) 6 Hours 55 minutes
45 Km/h (28 mph) 9 Hours 14 minutes
30 Km/h (18 mph) 13 Hours 50 minutes

How much is taxi from Bosman to Tzaneen?

Pretoria Taxi Fare from bosman to tzaneen is ZAR R 291. It usually takes 31 minutes to reach tzaneen from bosman which are 21,513 Kms apart. Taxi fares in Pretoria are calculated based on the minimum fare and fare for the subsequent Kms. Taxis in Pretoria generally charge extra at night.

Is there Uber in Tzaneen?

The app is called PickUp Cab and operates like an Uber. Users can request a ride and then drivers registered on the app can pick up the client from the location using the app’s GEO location.

How many km Pretoria to Tzaneen?

291 km

How much is a taxi from Tzaneen to Pretoria?

The quickest way to get from Tzaneen to Pretoria is to taxi and fly which costs R 2 000 – R 3 200 and takes 3h 8m.

How do I get a taxi permit in South Africa?

Taxi applications

  1. Complete all the sections of the C-BRTA permit application form and submit the completed form with the required documents as indicated in Annexure E (temporary permits – 14-day permits)
  2. Submit the application and supporting documents by hand to the Permit Office or by email to [email protected].

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