How much kale is too much for guinea pigs?
Conclusion: Guinea pigs and Kale Make sure you serve only one or two small leaves of Kale to your guinea pigs in a day. Never feed Kale more than 3-4 times a week to your guinea pigs.
How much kale should a guinea pig have?
Usually, one serving of kale (1 cup) is enough for the guinea pig. Also, because it is high in calcium, 2 times per week is more than enough.
Can kale be fed to guinea pigs?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat kale. It is totally safe in moderation and can even confer significant health benefits to your fluffy buddies!
Can kale cause bloat in guinea pigs?
The greener the leaf the more vitamin C; but be careful, because a heavy leafed plant (i.e., kale, collard greens) could cause bloat. Cabbage should not be fed to guinea pigs for this reason.
Should you cover a guinea pig’s cage at night?
Covering the whole cage at night can create problems and affect your guinea pigs breathing. That means that you should only cover part of their cage at night. This ensures that the cage remains properly ventilated while still letting in some light.
Why does my guinea pig nudge me with his nose?
Guinea pigs will try to establish dominance and nose nudging is one of the ways that they can try to show dominance over each other. That being said, it’s also normal for a guinea pig to nudge you with their nose when they’re trying to show you some affection too.
Is it normal for guinea pigs to nibble on your fingers?
Your Guinea Pig Nibbles You, Very Gently Yes, nibbling is a sign of affection! It’s something these animals do to each other as part of their grooming and bonding. Nibbling your shoes or finger ends will come naturally, once they’re comfortable with you.
Why does my guinea pig pee on me?
Probably the main reason guinea pigs pee on people has to do with whether or not they can hold it, but perhaps some of the same reasons guinea pigs spray each other also might hold true with peeing on people. Additionally, if a guinea pig isn’t a big fan of being held, he or she might resort to peeing to get released.
Is my guinea pig purring or shaking?
Shaking and purring is typical behavior in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs do shake when they are happy or excited about something. Rubbing nose, popcorning are some other signs of happiness as well. If your guinea pigs are shaking out of joy, then you should not be bothered about it.
How do I stop my guinea pig from shivering?
If your guinea pig is shivering after a bath, you should change the way you bath him. Wash him in a shallow bowl of warm water in a warm room — since water carries heat away from the body, washing him in a cold room is like getting out of the shower and standing in front of a box fan.
How do I dry my guinea pig after a bath?
Once most of the water has been soaked up, hold your guinea pig on your lap and use a gentle, cool hairdryer setting to dry them. Don’t aim the jet of air at their ears, and keep moving the dryer so it doesn’t heat one particular spot too much. Once your pet is dry, keep it in a warm place for a few hours.
Can you wash guinea pigs with just water?
Can I bathe my guinea pig with just water? Yes, it is okay to bathe them with just warm water. In fact, soaps and some shampoos may strip healthy oils from their skin and hair.
Can I bathe my guinea pig with Dawn?
Although some articles say it is safe to use Dawn dish soap to wash your guinea pig, we recommend that you don’t. Even the gentlest dish soaps contain ingredients that may be too harsh on your guinea pig’s skin.
Can you use baby wipes on guinea pigs?
Can you use baby wipes on guinea pigs? You can use baby wipes on guinea pig when your pet had a bath recently and you just need to remove dirt from its fur. Also, you can use baby wipes on guinea pigs to clean an active grease gland in boars.