How much kale should I give my rabbit?
For rabbits of all sizes, introduce kale into their diets slowly – with as little as one leaf on the first day for larger rabbits, and half of a leaf for smaller ones. Monitor them for signs of GI distress, such as not eating, not pooping, or having runny poops…
Can too much kale kill a rabbit?
Can Rabbits eat kale every day? No, rabbits can’t eat kale every day. The reason is that kale contains a huge amount of calcium which can upset your rabbit’s stomach and cause serious health problems, when fed daily or in excessive amount.
What leafy greens are best for rabbits?
Leafy greens daily Rabbits must have an adult-sized handful of safe washed leafy green vegetables, herbs and weeds daily. Feed a variety of greens daily, ideally 5-6 different types, such as cabbage/kale/broccoli/parsley/mint. Introduce new types of greens gradually in small amounts to avoid potential stomach upsets.
What greens are bad for rabbits?
Silverbeet. Like iceberg lettuce, silverbeet—sometimes referred to as chard—is another leafy green that your rabbit should avoid. According to a veterinary center in New Zealand, the vegetable can cause your bunny to suffer from colic and bloating and should be replaced with high-fiber fruits, veggies, and herbs.
What are a rabbits favorite food?
What should pet bunnies eat? Contrary to popular belief, rabbits need to eat more than just carrots and lettuce. They require a balanced diet of hay, fresh veggies and fruit, and a few pellets….Vegetables: A rabbit’s favorite foods
- Bell peppers.
- Bok choy.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Carrot tops.
- Cucumber.
- Endive.
- Escarole.
- Fennel.
What weeds can rabbits not eat?
Here is a list of weeds that are bad for rabbits:
- Anything that grows from a bulb.
- Amaryllis.
- Arum Lily (aka Cuckoo Point)
- Bindweed.
- Bracken.
- Bryony.
- Convolvulus (aka Bindweed)
- Deadly Nightshade (aka Belladonna)
Can I feed my rabbit Cheerios?
Cheerios are safe to feed rabbits if you feed one or two of the plain kind occasionally, but you should be careful of feeding too much grains to your rabbit. Cheerios are highly processed and not just made of whole grains, so I would encourage feeding rolled oats as a treat instead in moderation.
Why do bunnies like Cheerios?
Some people do feed their rabbit the occasional Cheerio and they say it’s fine, but the experts agree that rabbits shouldn’t eat any processed grain products, or “human” foods, like Cheerios. Rabbits get all the grain nutrients they need from their specially-formulated pellets: they don’t need any more as treats.
Can rabbits eat Rice Krispies?
Cereal treats that are considered safe for rabbits include: Whole grain cereals without any sugar added (for e.g. Shredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, and Corn Chex) Dried whole-grain crackers.