How much meat is a quarter elk?

How much meat is a quarter elk?

Table 3. Elk Calf Pack Weight

Section Weight in Pounds
Meat Bone
Each Hind Quarter 14.5 6.5
Each Shoulder 9.6 6.5
Back straps (2) 6.2

What can I do with elk hind quarter?

Elk NetworkHindquarter Break-Down When it’s over you should have roughly six slabs of muscle. Some or all of these can be cut into steaks but others such as bottom round and eye round make good stews and pot roast. Top sirloin and top round are best for steaks and sautéing.

How heavy is a bull elk quarter?

I would have to agree with ElkNut that on average a hind quarter weighs about 75 to 85 lbs for a large bull with the bone in. As with everything, there are exceptions every now and then. About 70# when you put the pack on. They get to around 90# after 2 miles of blowdown.

Why are elk hunts so expensive?

The fuel cost and the non-resident elk tags are the most expensive items. If you are closer to elk country than about 1,600 miles, the biggest expense will the be the non-resident hunting license and elk tag.

What is a Montana elk B tag?

Licenses & Permits The B License is an antlerless elk license valid during a specific time period and in a particular hunting district or group of districts. Resident: $20 | Nonresident: $270. Elk General. License is valid for one elk.

How does Montana elk draw work?

Montana has a bonus point system in place for all special permits (deer, elk, antelope, sheep, moose and mountain goat). Every year that you are unsuccessful in the drawing, and you participate in the bonus point system, you will be awarded a point. All base bonus points accumulate over time until you draw a permit.

How many elk tags are issued in Wyoming?

An applicant shall apply for or receive no more than a total of three (3) elk licenses in any one (1) calendar year. An applicant may apply for and receive one (1) general or limited quota full price elk license and one (1) limited quota reduced price cow/calf elk license through the initial license drawing.

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