How much oil do I put in my forks?

How much oil do I put in my forks?

Pull cartridge rod up about 2″ & pour oil in forks, not in cartridge rod, to about 1″ from the top, then pump the cartridge rod until it feels consistant. Add oil as nec to keep it from sucking air when you pump the rod. Then suck the oil down to 130mm from the top with everything collapsed.

How much oil does a 1985 Honda Shadow 700 hold?

4 Quarts of Honda GN4 10W-40 4-Stroke Motorcylce Oil.

What kind of oil do you use for motorcycle forks?

Any hydraulic or ATF fresh oil is best than any old fancy motorcycle fork oil. So regular maintenance is the key.

Does changing fork oil make a difference?

A change in viscosity by just a couple of points makes a big difference in suspension compliance and action. All that applies to the fork also pertains to the shock (or shocks). The piston wears on the shock body, picking up metal that then travels through the oil and damping circuit.

How often should I change my fork oil?

Also, the molecules in the oil will break down over time just like motor oil or gear oil. So the suspension slowly changes and becomes less consistent as time goes on. In reality the fork fluid should be changed at a minimum of once per season.

What happens if you don’t change fork oil?

If fork seals are not changed. The oil can leak on to the disc caliper and can cause accident. The forks will become hard over time and instead of less price, only for oil seals. You might have to change the fork rods and head bearings too later on.

When should I change my fork oil seals?

Fork seals should be replaced after 40 hours of riding or two years if you don’t ride very often. Even if you regularly clean the seals, they wear out eventually and leak no matter what you do to keep a tight seal.

Does fork oil go bad?

Engine / Fork Oils vary by their makeup, the more complex an oil the less time it is good to keep, a general rule of thumb is 2 – 5 years.

What does heavier fork oil do?

Heavier oil will increase the effective damping, in other words the forks will move up and down a little slower and feel stiffer. Lighter weight oil will do the opposite, allowing the forks to move up and down faster and feel softer.

How much does it cost to replace fork seals?

Approximate Total Cost: $50 – $200 + 3-6 Hours of work If your relatively handy and feel up to the task of replacing your own fork seals than this is what you would be looking to spend in both time and parts cost.

How do I know if my fork seals are bad?

The telltale sign of bad fork seals is that they no longer do their job of keeping the oil in the forks. Evidence of this is oil on the outside of the fork lowers and sometimes on the brake calipers, pads and discs as well, which is not a good thing when you want to stop.

Is it bad to ride with blown fork seals?

You should notride with a bad fork seal for many reasons, safety being number one. A bad fork seal could leak oil onto your brake calipers, resulting in trouble decelerating and stopping the bike. That, plus poor shock absorption and an unbalanced ride makes a leaky fork seal dangerous to ride on.

Is it easy to change fork seals?

Fortunately, fork-seal replacement is generally uncomplicated. As always, the task is easier if you get your tools and supplies ready. You’ll need whatever tools are necessary to remove the fork tubes from the bike, plus a hex socket to fit the socket-head bolt securing damping rod or cartridge.

What tools are needed to change fork seals?

Be sure you have the proper tools and a clean work space before you begin. Specialty suspension tools are readily available online.

  • 47mm ProX fork seal kit.
  • Torque wrench (recommended from a reputable company for accuracy)
  • Socket wrench (3/8 drive)
  • 8mm socket or 8mm T-handle wrench.
  • 10mm socket or 10mm T-handle wrench.

How much does it cost to replace fork seals UK?

Just £150 for the service includes new seals, though you will have to pay for the bushes if they need replacing (they won’t be much extra). If you’re just replacing the seals and bushes, you’ll be able to get most of the suspension clean, but don’t attempt to remove the shims.

How much does it cost to replace fork seals on dirt bike?

How much does it cost to replace fork seals? If you do it yourself, replacing both fork seals is around 40 dollars with the kit and oil. If you take it to a shop, depending on their labor rates, expect to pay between 100 and 150 dollars.

How much does it cost to change the fork oil?

For this I usually get about $150-$250 with them on the bike, less if they are off. In all actuality if it was a set of forks that I had recently serviced and I could guarantee the oil level and type was right I would charge about $50 on the bike to just to swap springs.

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