How much slack should a throttle cable have?
Most motorcycle manufacturers recommend about 2 to 3 millimeters of throttle free play, but over time the cables will stretch and settle into their housings and you’ll end up with more slack.
What causes slow throttle response?
When the filter is dirty, it can cause a delay in acceleration and throttle response because when the fuel attempts to pass through a filter that is clogged or dirty, it takes far longer than it would through a clean filter. Staying on top of your fuel filter cleanliness is one way to prevent poor throttle response.
Can a tune increase throttle response?
The less you have to press the accelerator pedal the more you will improve throttle response. In general, most people either start with a tune or a throttle response controller, but often we see people using both. We recommend you start with a throttle response controller upgrade first like ShiftPower.
How do I adjust throttle free play?
Adjusting Throttle Free Play: If your free play is out by a small amount, use the inline adjuster at the handlebars: simply loosen the locknut, and turn the barrel adjuster until the movement of the grip is in the specified range.
How do you adjust the throttle cable on a four wheeler?
just turn the cable outward to tighten it. this adjustment can be made right up where the cable goes to the bars. Just loosen the locknut/screw on the throttle cable (handlebars). Then tighten the throttle cable—-loosen the adjustment screw, till it starts to idle up, then back off a bit, tighten the locknut.
Why do I have two throttle cables?
The throttle grip works on the carburettors when twisting/throttling up and when releasing/throttling down. If a rock or something gets caught in the carb housing (if somehow the cover fell off) the spring won’t close the carb slide. The second cable pulls the carb closed so it isn’t stuck wide open.
Are throttle and idle cables the same?
They are not interchangeable. The difference isn’t just the spring, the part that presses into the housing on the handlebar is a different size too for each cable, they only go in one way, so you can’t replace a throttle with a idle or and idle with a throttle cable.