How often should you change manual gearbox oil?

How often should you change manual gearbox oil?

Manual gearboxes usually require a gearbox oil change every 30,000 to 50,000 mi (48,000 to 80,000 km). Automatic gearboxes usually have gear oil change intervals of between 60,000 to 100,000 mi (96,000 to 160,000 km).

What type of oil goes in a manual transmission?

Commonly recommended manual transmission fluid formulations include SAE 80W, 75W-90, 80W-90 and SAE 90. In some cases, a multi-grade engine oil or automatic transmission fluid may be recommended. However, a manual transmission fluid is typically the most optimal for manual transmissions.

How do I choose gear oil?

How do you select a gearbox oil?

  1. Gearbox type: dimensions, the metal from which the teeth are made, sliding properties and gear ratio, open or closed casing, etc.
  2. Operating conditions: depending on the load, vibration and shock levels, anti-wear and extreme pressure properties determine the choice of lubricant.

What’s the thickest gear oil?

The SAE grading system indicates oil viscosity in simple numbers ranging from the thin oil (10) to the very thick oil (140 or above). Heavier weight, or higher grade oil is more viscous and therefore thicker as it flows between the gears. Light grade oil is ideal for small, fast, polished gears under a light load.

What does 80W90 gear oil mean?

80W90 stands for the SAE class, for which transmission oil must have characteristic properties. The number “90” refers to the kinematic viscosity of the gear oil at 100 °C. This comprises a range of 13.5 – 18.4 mm²/s. The oil has a high shear stability and can withstand high loads in the gearbox.

Is SAE 80 the same as 80W90?

It just thins less than a straight 80w would, ending up as thick as a 90w would be when warm. Unless there’s some unusual reason your ATV must have straight weight, 70w-80 would be the way to go. Then it will be the proper viscosity when warm.

What is equivalent to SAE 80 gear oil?

Viscosity varies widely by brand. But, SAE 80W is about the same viscosity as hydraulic transmission oil, and 30W motor oil. That’s why they are interchangeable in many applications.

What is 75w90 gear oil used for?

Mobil Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90 is a fully synthetic gear lubricant formulated from synthetic base oils and an advanced additive system. It is designed for use in many railway gearboxes and provides excellent load-carrying capability where extreme pressures and shock loading are expected.

What is SAE 80 EP oil?

RAVENOL Multipurpose Gear Oil SAE 80 GL-4 is a EP (extreme pressure) gear oil designed for manual transmissions, distributor transmissions, steering transmissions, as well as normal loaded axle drives.

What is EP 90 gear oil?

Classic EP 90 is a mineral oil based gear oil containing anti-oxidant, anti-wear and extreme pressure additives to protect against problems due to oil oxidation, gear wear and corrosion.

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