How old should a source be for a research paper?

How old should a source be for a research paper?

10 years

How old can my references be?

HOW FAR BACK CAN REFERENCES GO? A common question among job seekers is “How far back can I go to ask people I’ve worked with before to be references for me?” As a general rule the answer is “not more than five to seven years.”

How old is an APA article?

Things the reader can’t retrieve (like a conversation, an unrecorded webinar, or a personal e-mail) can be cited as personal communications (see PM § 6.20). And there are no limits on the age of sources.

What is considered an outdated source?

For example, important articles in literature, art, and music often tend to be considered current for years, or even decades, after publication. Articles in the physical sciences, however, are usually considered outdated within a year or two (or even sooner) after publication.

How do you know if a source is relevant?

There are several main criteria for determining whether a source is reliable or not.

  1. 1) Accuracy. Verify the information you already know against the information found in the source.
  2. 2) Authority. Make sure the source is written by a trustworthy author and/or institution.
  3. 3) Currency.
  4. 4) Coverage.

How many sources should a bachelor thesis have?

Example: A paper that has 10 pages of content (the body of the paper) needs at least 10 sources in its literature review. A thesis of 100 pages (in the body) includes at least 100 sources.

How many references is enough?

Typical job seekers should have three to four references, while those seeking more senior positions should consider listing five to seven, experts suggest. And be sure to list your strongest reference first.

How many references do you need for 3000 words?

In your case, about 8.5 double spaced with 12-point font and 1″ margins. Multiply that by three to get 25.5, so round up to 26. That’s about how many citations you should have at least – you can have more. Now, divide 26 by five to get 5.2, and round down to 5.

How many is too many references?

As a general rule, there should be between 8 – 12 references for every 1,000 words.

How many references are too many for a job?

How many marks do you lose for bad referencing?

Using sources that are unreliable (or biased, without recognising as much) Failing to check spelling, grammar and referencing, losing out on valuable presentation marks (as much as 5% of the overall marks available)

How many references should a research paper have?

The answer is actually very simple and very exact: You should have precisely one reference per quotation or paraphrase. It really is that simple. If you have N quotations and paraphrases you will have exactly N references. (You are allowed of course to cite the same work more than once in your paper.)

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