How old was Eisenhower when he was president?

How old was Eisenhower when he was president?

78 years (1890–1969)

What is the opposite of Jeune in French?

Answer: Opposite of Jeune in French is vieille.

What are feminine words in French?

All the nouns ending in a double consonant + e are usually feminine. elle, enne, emme, esse, erre, ette… La pelle (shovel), une selle (saddle), la chaussette (the sock), la fillette (the little girl), La tristesse (sadness), la terre (earth), la femme (woman)…

What is the feminine of intelligent in French?

intelligente intelligentes

What is the feminine form of serieux?


number feminine masculine
plural sérieuses
singular sérieux

What is nice French feminine?

The French translation for “kind; nice (feminine singular)” is gentille.

What is the feminine form of Paresseux?


What is serious feminine French?

sérieux (feminine singular sérieuse, masculine plural sérieux, feminine plural sérieuses) serious.

What is the feminine form of Sportif?


number feminine masculine
plural sportifs
singular sportive sportif

What is the feminine of Travailleur in French?

So, this is how you say “travailleur” in english….workman.

French English
15. travailleur intellectuel (masculine noun, feminine noun) Forms: travailleuse intellectuelle (forms) non-manual worker

Is the place nice feminine or masculine?

But in the majority of single word cases, there are no rules to indicate whether a city or town is masculine or feminine except when you use the adjectives ‘vieux’, ‘grand’, ‘nouveau’ or ‘tout’ in front of them which will always be masculine in this case, e.g. Le Vieux Nice, le grand Bruxelles, le nouveau Belleville, L …

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