How was Boo Radley described?
Jem gave a reasonable description of Boo: Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were bloodstained—if you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off.
How is Boo Radley a good person?
Boo is a nice person because he leaves things for Jem and Scout to find. Also he fixed and folded Jem’s pants when they had gone into his yard (58). Not only that but when we get to the end of the book Arthur Radley ends ups saving Jem and Scout when they are getting attacked by Bob Ewell (276).
What crimes did Boo Radley commit?
He was charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the police, assault and battery, and using abusive language in the presence of a female. He stabbed his father in the leg with scissors.
What makes scout realize that the man who rescued her is Boo?
Answer: Scout realizes that the man that rescued her and Jem is Boo Radley because after the attack, she sees someone carrying Jem back to her house and when she returns home she sees her father, aunt Alexandra, a doctor and an unknown man who she later discovers is Boo Radley who saves them from the attack.
What does Atticus think JEM did?
Atticus, who believes Jem is the one who killed Bob, thinks Heck wants to cover up the truth to protect Jem. Atticus is adamantly against lying to protect Jem. He thinks that protecting Jem from the law will undermine Atticus’s relationship with his children and everything that he has taught them.
Why do you suppose Boo Radley came out of his house?
When do you suppose Boo Radley came out of his house? enough to wake the dead—.” How did Scout’s costume probably save her life? Ewell had tried to stab Scout but the chicken wire had prevented the knife from going through to her body.
What is Bob Ewell’s threat?
Bob Ewell threatens Atticus that he’d “get him.” Text evidence: [Scout as narrator (close of Chapter 22)] “… It was Miss Stephanie’s pleasure to tell us: this morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of his life.”
Why does he say he would rather Bob take out his frustration on him?
Atticus gives a couple of reasons. One reason is that Bob Ewell needed to vent his frustrations, because he had been embarrassed in court. Atticus figured he was, in a way, helping Bob out.
Why does Dill want to be a clown?
Dill’s career choice as a clown stems from the unhappiness he has experienced and witnessed. Dill decides he wants to be a clown because clowns are always happy–always laughing at the audience and making other people smile and feel good.
What did Dill want to be when he grows up?
Dill says that he wants to be a clown when he grows up because just about the only thing he can do is make people laugh.
Who said I gonna be a new kind of clown in To Kill a Mockingbird?
“There ain’t one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh, so I’m gonna join the circus and laugh my head off.” “You got it backwards, Dill,” said Jem. “Clowns are sad, it’s folks that laugh at them.” “Well I’m gonna be a new kind of clown.
Why does Bob Ewell spit in Atticus’s face?
Bob Ewell curses and spits on Atticus because he’s angry with him for making him look like a complete fool on the witness stand during the trial of Tom Robinson. When Ewell took the stand, Atticus ruthlessly cross-examined him, exposing the many inconsistencies of his story.
Does Atticus say that kissing Tom was a crime?
Does Atticus say that kissing Tom was a crime? Atticus describes Mayella’s kissing Tom as a violation of a social code but not as a crime.
Does Mayella Ewell confess?
Mayella never admits that her father was responsible for the assault on her that landed Tom Robinson in court. Atticus asks her directly if “Bob Ewell beat you up,” but she swears to the jury under oath that he did not, and that Tom was responsible (251).
Why did mayella think Atticus was mocking her?
What makes Mayella think Atticus is “mocking” her? Because when he calls her “ma’am” and “Miss Mayella.” Mayella tells Judge Taylor that Atticus is mocking her when he has actually addressed her in terms of politeness. She is not used to being treated with respect or dignity and doesn’t like it.