How was the Pied Piper rewarded in the end?

How was the Pied Piper rewarded in the end?

At the end of the year, the Pied Piper returned for his reward: the Burgers put him off with slightings and neglect, offering him some small matter, which he refusing, and staying some days in the town; on Sunday Morning at high mass, when most people were at church, he fell to play on his his pipes, and all the …

How did the Pied Piper get rid of the rats?

A mysterious man in “pied clothing” approached the mayor and promised he could rid the city of its problem in return for payment of 1000 guilders. They mayor agreed, and the man played a magical pipe to lure all the city’s rats to a nearby body of water, where they drowned.

What suggestions did the town Councillors give to get rid of the rats?

Answer: The Pied Piper promised the Mayor to rid the people of all the rats in the town. He would do so by drawing the rats after him through his secret charm.

Why did lame boy say bereft?

The above lines are said by the lame boy. He said so because he was left alone in the town of Hamelin and could not forget that he was bereft of all the pleasant sights as all his playmates went to the magical land that the Pied Piper promised.

Why was the speaker left alone?

ii) Why was the speaker left alone? Ans The poet felt assured that his lame foot would be speedily cured.

What is the meaning of flowers put forth a fairer hue?

flowers put forth fairer hue means. a. the flowers were large in number. the flowers bloomed brightly.

How is the Pied Piper described in the poem?

Q1) How is the Pied Piper described in the poem? A1) The Pied Piper is described as the person who is smiling. A2) There was a twinkle in the green and blue eyes of Pied Piper.

What do we learn from the story Pied Piper of Hamelin?

Remember the old fairy tale about the Pied Piper who charmed away all the rats in town? When the faithless burghers refused to pay him what they had promised, he exacted his revenge by leading all the town’s children away as well.

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