How would you describe the monkeys paw?

How would you describe the monkeys paw?

The sergeant-major describes the paw as ordinary. “To look at,” said the sergeant-major, fumbling in his pocket, “it’s just an ordinary little paw, dried to a mummy.” Basically, someone cut the paw off a monkey, and over time it has been mummified.

What is the moral of the monkey’s paw?

More than a classic horror piece, “The Monkey’s Paw” is also a modern parable, infused with moral messages and instructions on how to live a more fulfilling life. As with all fables, the story’s morals are familiar: don’t tempt fate, and be careful what you wish for.

What is the conclusion of the monkey’s paw?

After receiving two hundred pounds for Herbert’s death, for example, Mrs. White jumps to the conclusion that the paw has unlimited power. She forces Mr. White to wish to bring Herbert back to life, a wish far more serious than their first.

What is the main idea of paragraph 13 the monkey’s paw?

The main idea of the paragraph is that Sergeant-Major Morris is an experienced traveler, who entertains the White family with his elaborate, fascinating stories from distant parts of the world, which will eventually introduce the story of the magic monkey’s paw.

What do paragraphs 101 121 reveal about Mr White?

What do paragraphs 101-121 reveal about Mr. White? He knows that the monkey’s paw is dangerous.

What was Mr White’s third wish?

In The Monkey’s Paw, what is the third wish and what are its consequences? He wished for his son to be dead again and the consequences were that the mother saw him and she was in anguish. How does The Monkey’s Paw end? Sad because the son is dead and they are out of wishes.

How did Herbert die in the monkey’s paw?

His son, Herbert, is killed, but he does receive the 200 pounds to compensate for his death. How does Herbert die? He gets caught in the machinery at work.

Why is the ending of the story suspenseful monkey’s paw?

The ending and resolution of the story focuses on the second wish that the couple make to have their son alive again. When they hear a knocking on the door, they realise that their wish has been fulfilled, however, interestingly the reactions of the parents are very different.

What is the irony in the monkey’s paw?

The irony in “The Monkey’s Paw” is that the Whites get the opposite of what they expected. They believe that the monkey’s paw will bring them blessings, whereas in fact it only brings them curses.

Why did the fakir put a spell on the monkey’s paw?

“It had a spell put on it by an old fakir,” said the sergeant-major, “a very holy man. He wanted to show that fate ruled people’s lives, and that those who interfered with it did so to their sorrow. He put a spell on it so that three separate men could each have three wishes from it.”

What is the climax of the monkey’s paw?

In “The Monkey’s Paw,” the climax, or highest point of suspense, occurs near the end of this story as Mr. White hurries to make the final wish on the monkey’s paw. Suddenly, she cries out for the monkey’s paw, demanding it from her husband. “Go down and get it quickly, and wish our boy alive again.” Mr.

Who put the spell on the monkeys paw?


What is a fakir in the monkey’s paw?

A fakir is a holy man. This story is fictional, and in this story, the fakir puts a sort of curse on a monkey’s paw so that it can grant a person wishes. The sergeant-major who brings the monkey’s paw explains its history and how he got it from the fakir.

What does Fakir mean?

Fakir, Arabic Faqīr (“poor”), originally, a mendicant dervish. In mystical usage, the word fakir refers to man’s spiritual need for God, who alone is self-sufficient. Although of Muslim origin, the term has come to be applied in India to Hindus as well, largely replacing gosvāmin, sadhu, bhikku, and other designations.

What is the lesson the paw is supposed to teach?

In “The Monkey’s Paw,” the fakir put a spell on the paw to teach people that interfering with fate would only lead to “sorrow.” Through the characters of Sergeant-Major Morris and the White family, we see that the fakir was successful in teaching this lesson.

Is the monkey’s paw real?

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a supernatural short story by author W. W. Jacobs, first published in England in the collection The Lady of the Barge in 1902. In the story, three wishes are granted to the owner of The Monkey’s Paw, but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate.

Who dies in the monkey’s paw?

A worker is sent to the White’s house and told to let them know their son, Herbert has been in an “accident.” He tells them that “Herbert is not in any pain.” The man also tells them that Herbert got caught in the “machinery.” He is dead and the company while accepting no responsibility for the accident offers the …

How did they get the monkey’s paw?

The object appeares for the first time in W. W. Jacobs’ short horror story The Monkey’s Paw, (1902), in which a family comes across a gift given to them by a fakir, who cast a spell on a mummified monkey paw so that it could grant wishes.

Who created the monkey’s paw?

W.W. Jacobs

What is the name of Mr and Mrs White son?

Herbert White

What is Jacobs full name?

William Wymark Jacobs

Why doesn’t Mr White make a second wish?

Why is Mr. White afraid to wish a second time? He does not believe the paw can grant wishes. He realizes his wishes can have bad consequences.

What does Mr White do when his wife goes to answer the door?

White hear a knock at their door and realize that their son has come back from the dead. Mr. White panics and fears that his wife will open the door to witness her son’s decaying, zombie-like corpse standing on their front porch, which will surely traumatize both of them.

Which line foreshadows Herbert’s death?

The line refers to Herbert and says this: “Well, I don’t see the money,” said his son, as he picked it up and placed it on the table, “and I bet I never shall.” He doesn’t ever see the money because his death, in fact, is the reason the Whites come into the money he wished for.

What happened to the son in the monkey’s paw?

His son, Herbert, is tragically killed in a workplace accident, for which Mr and Mrs. White receive £200 as compensation. Grief-stricken by the loss of their son, Mr and Mrs. White decide to use the monkey’s paw to make a second wish: to bring their son back from the dead.

Why does Mr White wish his son dead again?

Mr. White spends his third wish to make sure Herbert is dead again. He does this for Herbert’s sake. White wishes Herbert dead again, he does this for his wife’s sake.

Who is to blame for the death of Herbert?

Morris is the man who introduces the Whites to the monkey’s paw. If we believe that the paw is responsible for Herbert’s death, then Morris seems like a villain for selling a paw he knows has evil powers. If we don’t believe in the paw, then he seems like a drunken man harmlessly telling tall tales.

Which line spoken by Herbert Best foreshadows what will happen to him?

and I bet I never will

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