
How you will incorporate educational technology in your teaching?

How you will incorporate educational technology in your teaching?

How to Integrate Technology in the Classroom

  1. Power Points and Games.
  2. Internet Homework Assignments.
  3. Online grading Systems.
  4. Classroom Tablets.
  5. Listserv.
  6. Keeping students engaged.
  7. Helps students with different learning styles.
  8. Prepare students with life skills.

What is transformative learning and why is it important to peace education?

Peace education or an education that promotes a culture of peace is essentially transformative. It cultivates the knowledge base, skills, attitudes and values that seek to transform people’s mindsets, attitudes and behaviors that, in the first place, have either created or exacerbated violent conflicts.

Why is transformative learning useful to higher education?

Transformative learning allows adult learners to use the contexts of their formal learning experiences to construct and reconstruct personal meaning (Dirkx, 2006, p. 24).

What is transformative thinking?

Transformative thinking is a form of mental aerobics that helps you consciously to twist and turn the gist of one idea until you arrive at a fully developed new idea. It utilizes the human mind’s ability to apply many thinking strategies to a problem and to visualize or verbalize the results in advance.

What means transformative?

: causing or able to cause an important and lasting change in someone or something a transformative experience And she’ll tell anyone who asks about her transformative weeks working for UNICEF in Congo and Cambodia.—

What is transformation mean?

A transformation is a dramatic change in form or appearance. An important event like getting your driver’s license, going to college, or getting married can cause a transformation in your life. A transformation is an extreme, radical change.

What is transformative learning space?

Transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation of basic worldview and specific capacities of the self; transformative learning is facilitated through consciously directed processes such as appreciatively accessing and receiving the symbolic contents of the unconscious and …

What is transformative academic knowledge?

Transformative knowledge includes taking an integrative approach and treating systems as a whole, is supportive of the aim of grasping the complexity of current problems and critical towards the current status quo. It is the type of knowledge needed for fundamental, irreversible change: it is knowledge for transition.

What is premise reflection?

Premise reflection involves us in becoming aware of why we think, feel, or act in a certain way, and it can be compared with the qualities of double-loop learning (Argyris & Schön, 1974).

What is a disorienting dilemma?

Within Mezirow’s model of an ideal-typical learning process, a disorienting dilemma represents the initiation of a transformative learning experience usually denoting a life crisis that triggers a questioning of assumptions, resulting in transformed beliefs (Taylor, 2000).

What is process of reflection?

The process of reflection is a cycle which needs to be repeated. Reflection is a systematic reviewing process for all teachers which allows you to make links from one experience to the next, making sure your students make maximum progress. Reflection is a basic part of teaching and learning.

How do you reflect content?

Reflecting content is listening accurately to another person and reflecting the essence of the content of the communication to the other in your own words. In reflecting content, you focus on the content of what a speaker is saying to you, including thoughts, ideas, beliefs, facts, data, etc.

What does the idea of reflective practice dismiss?

In using reflective practice, nurses are able to plan their actions and consciously monitor the action to ensure it is beneficial to their patient. Engaging in reflective practice is associated with improved quality of care, stimulating personal and professional growth and closing the gap between theory and practice.

What is the role of reflective practice in professional development?

Reflective Practice is the foundation of professional development; it makes meaning from experience and transforms insights into practical strategies for personal growth and organisational impact. Reflective Practice is a way of recognising and articulating what we’re learning on a moment by moment basis.

Why is it important to reflect on your own practice?

With a bit of thought reflections can be a very useful tool in learning. It allows you to recognize your own strengths and weakness, and use this to guide on-going learning. By reflection you will develop your skills in self-directed learning, improve motivation, and improve the quality of care you are able to provide.

What is the art of reflection?

Reflection takes an experience and turns it into a learning event. “Experience is not what happens to a person; it is what a person does with what happened.” Adapted from Aldous Huxley. Many classes use journaling as a means of promoting reflection.

What did John Dewey say about education?

Dewey argued that curriculum should be relevant to students’ lives. He saw learning by doing and development of practical life skills as crucial to children’s education. Some critics assumed that, under Dewey’s system, students would fail to acquire basic academic skills and knowledge.

What is the relationship between school and society?

Society and the schools are inextricably linked. The schools reflect society, and society reflects the schools. That linkage contains the dynamics for improving the lot of arts education. Arts education is not only part and parcel of those schools in which it is offered but also of the society that gave it birth.

What is the aim of education as per John Dewey?

Dewey formulated “social efficiency” as aim of education in view of the changing tenor of society. This change has been brought by the application of science to the means of production and distribution, by the rise of great manufacturing centers and by the rapid growth of means of communication.

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