II Jornadas Aragonesas Sociology

II Jornadas Aragonesas de Sociología

II Jornadas Aragonesas Sociology



16 And 17 May 2014

The overall aim will be to pay attention to the impact that the crisis that started in 2008 has had in various spheres of the contemporary society in general and the aragonese in particular. We will do this through two conferences to be entrusted to prestigious sociologists of proven prestige and two working tables: Exclusion and Social Inequality, employment and the Economy. But in addition it is our intention to promote an interesting line of research in which you are working some of our partners creating the table of the working Languages and Identities. Finally, we also want to make known to the aragonese community the main areas of reflection and research that move the members of the association. The meet in the table Lines of Action

In each of the tables there will be one or several papers framework that pretend to transform, under the watchful eye of a Coordinator, the discussion of the sociologists and guests in attendance. The intention is to get a document of synthesis of the discussions that will take place in each of the groups. In turn, these documents serve as the basis for developing a more general one that outlines the sociological point of view about the situation of Aragon after the crisis. This document will be transferred to the society and public opinion in aragon.

Each table will have a coordinator, sociologists and political scientists, both living in Aragon as well as outside, who want to participate in any of the tables will have to send a communication not exceeding 10 folios to the appropriate coordinator BEFORE WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL. This coordinator will also handle communications to the personalities, institutions, associations, etc, that you consider that you have something to contribute. Following the presentations and a summary of the submissions made by the coordinator will have a discussion among the attendees. We propose that these discussions come out diagnostics and proposals that we will present to the public opinion in aragon, and then we will publish. The full text of the communications, do not incorporate to this publication but will be available for anyone who wants to check them on the website of the Association. Likewise, callers who wish to receive a diploma certifying their participation in the Conference.

All activities are held at the Centro Joaquín Roncal – San Braulio 5/7. Zaragoza

See Triptych

See Program

More Information at:


[email protected]

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