In what two ways did technological innovations lead to the Age of Exploration quizlet?
In what two ways did technological innovations lead to the age of exploration? They helped sailors avoid difficult waters. They allowed sailors to go on longer voyages. They helped navigators map the coastlines.
How did New tools make exploration possible?
Navigational tools assisted the European explorers in finding their way across the ocean. Navigational tools are used to be able to travel around without getting lost. Navigational tools such as the astrolabe, quadrant, cross staff, back staff, compass and maps were used to navigate.
What factors contributed to the age of exploration?
There were many factors that led to the European Age of Exploration. Three of the major ones had to do with the advent and adoption of new technologies, a desire to improve trade by discovering new routes, and a yearning to spread their religion to new lands.
Which factors has the greatest impact on the success of the age of exploration?
Answer: Explorers learned more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and brought that knowledge back to Europe. Massive wealth accrued to European colonizers due to trade in goods, spices, and precious metals.
Which countries were involved in the age of exploration?
The Age of Exploration is considered to have occurred mostly with four European nations, which included: Portugal, Spain, France and England. Each of these countries experienced the same forces that pushed them to explore the world, but they also shared one important characteristic.
Who Discovered countries?
Name | Modern (and former) nationality | Main areas explored |
Antonio de Abreu | Portuguese | Indonesia |
William Adams | English | Japan |
Diogo Afonso | Portuguese | Northwest African coast |
Estevanico | Moroccan | North America |