
In what way were Athenian and Colonial American democracy similar?

In what way were Athenian and Colonial American democracy similar?

In Athenian direct democracy all citizens voted and in an American representative democracy citizens vote for representatives to vote for them. All citizens voted in an ancient Athenian democracy and in a modern American democracy citizens vote for representatives to vote for them.

What were key characteristics of Athenian democracy?

Athens in the 5th to 4th century BCE had an extraordinary system of government: democracy. Under this system, all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.

What were key characteristics of Athenian democracy quizlet?

Terms in this set (3)

  • Limited and Exclusive citizenship. citizenship was exclusively for male property owners of Athenian ancestry; there were no concept of equality for all; slaves were more numerous than freeman in Athens.
  • Direct Democracy. All citizens directly voted for law making and held gov.
  • Ostracism.

How does Pericles describe Athenian democracy?

Pericles describes Athenian democracy as a system of government where men advance on merit rather than on class or wealth. In a democracy, “class considerations [are not] allowed to interfere with merit” – any man capable enough to rule is allowed to do so.

How did Pericles contribute to democracy?

He started an ambitious project that generated most of the surviving structures on the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. This project beautified and protected the city, exhibited its glory and gave work to its people. Pericles also fostered Athenian democracy to such an extent that critics call him a populist.

What is the reason Pericles says Athens way of life is worth fighting for?

In his speech, Pericles states that the citizens of Athens must continue to support the war. He wanted to emphasis that what they were fighting for was of the upmost importance. He stated that the soldiers who died gave their lives to protect the city of Athens, its citizens, and its freedom.

What kind of democracy is Pericles referring to?

Pericles was an Athenian statesman. Under his leadership Athenian democracy and the Athenian empire flourished, making Athens the political and cultural focus of Greece between the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian wars.

Who is regarded as the father of Athenian democracy?

Cleisthenes of Athens

When did Athens become a democracy?

Athenian democracy developed around the 6th century BC in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica.

How did Pericles impact the world?

Pericles transformed his city’s alliances into an empire and graced its Acropolis with the famous Parthenon. His policies and strategies also set the stage for the devastating Peloponnesian War, which would embroil all Greece in the decades following his death.

Who did Greece fight in two major wars while Pericles was still a child?

War with Sparta As Athens continued to grow in wealth and power under the leadership of Pericles, other Greek city-states began to grow concerned. They thought Athens was growing too powerful.

Is it better to live in Athens or Sparta?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. This made Sparta one of the safest cities to live in.

How did Athens become a democracy?

The first known democracy in the world was in Athens. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. When a new law was proposed, all the citizens of Athens had the opportunity to vote on it. To vote, citizens had to attend the assembly on the day the vote took place.

What are the 3 pillars of Athenian democracy?

The democratic government of Athens rested on three main institutions, and a few others of lesser importance. The three pillars of democracy were: the Assembly of the Demos, the Council of 500, and the People’s Court. These were supplemented by the Council of the Areopagus, the Archons, and the Generals.

What type of democracy did Athens have?

direct democracy

What are 3 contributions of Greece to democracy?

There were three important parts to these changes made by Cleisthenes. There was a group that wrote laws and determined foreign policy. There was a group that had representatives from the ten tribes of Athens. There also was a court system where cases were tried, and jurors decided the cases.

When did Athenian democracy end?

404 BC

What caused the decline of Athens Golden Age and the end of democracy?

What was the direct cause of Athens’ gradual move toward democracy? What caused the decline of Athens’ golden age and the end of democracy? military defeat. How did Hellenistic sculpture differ from classical sculpture?

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