
In what ways are opal her father and Winn Dixie alike?

In what ways are opal her father and Winn Dixie alike?

Opal thinks that she and Winn-Dixie are alike because they both have light colored hair. Opal thinks that she and Winn-Dixie are alike because they both love to eat. How many things does Opal want to know about her mom? Opal want to know 5 things about her mom.

What did Opal call the Dewberry brothers?

one block away from Gloria’s house, Winn-Dixie would start running faster, leaving Opal behind in her bike. What did Opal call the Dewberry brothers? ignorant, stupid and mean.

Why does Opal call her father preacher?

The preacher is Opal’s father. Though she calls him “Daddy” to his face, in her mind, she refers to him as “the preacher.” This is because the preacher spends all his time wrapped up in the work of being a preacher, which includes writing sermons, praying, and thinking about suffering people.

How Opal meets Gloria Dump?

Gloria Dump is another character that Opal meets because of Winn-Dixie! One day when Opal is riding her bike home from the pet store, the Dewberry boys start riding behind her, whispering about her. She makes peanut butter sandwiches for Opal, and shares a spoonful with Winn-Dixie.

Why did Gloria Dump have a bottle tree?

In Gloria’s younger years, she was an alcoholic. She tied alcohol bottles that she emptied through the course of her alcoholism to a tree in her yard in order to, as she tells Opal, “keep the ghosts away”—that is, to keep her sober and to remind her of all the lessons she learned while she was drinking.

How does Opal feel about her father?

Opal describes her father as being “like a turtle, hiding all the time inside his shell” (p. By the end of the book, Opal’s father is more open with his daughter, sharing his pain about his wife’s abandonment and feeling more free to express his love for his daughter (pp. 166–167).

What was one reason Opal suddenly didnt feel so lonely in Naomi anymore?

What was 1 reason Opal suddenly didn’t feel so lonely in Naomi anymore? She had received from Sweetie Pie her 1st invitation to a party.

Why does Opal’s father cry?

Why does Opal’s father cry? Opal’s father cries because Opal’s mom left him and her and Winn-Dixie is gone. How do Opal’s friends find Winn-Dixie? Otis was playing his guitar then Winn-Dixie sneezed.

Why does Opal forget about Winn-Dixie?

Opal forgets about Winn-Dixie because she’s so preoccupied with saving her outdoor party from a sudden thunderstorm. She and Gloria Dump threw the party together, and the impromptu downpour threatens to destroy everything. When the rain hits, Opal snatches the egg salad sandwiches and runs them into Gloria’s kitchen.

What is Opal and Winn Dixie’s daily routine?

Terms in this set (8) Describe Opal and Winn-Dixie’s daily routine. They would go to Gertrude’s Pet Store then to the Library and finally to Gloria Dump’s house. Why does Otis play music for the animals in the pet shop?

Why was Otis a bit afraid to walk into the party?

Otis was a little afraid to walk into the party because he was worried that people might judge him, and think poorly of him since he was a convict. This party was the first time he was around a group of people since he had been released so he was hesitant to interact with them.

Why does Opal want to buy Winn Dixie a leash and collar?

The collar and leash were very expensive, and she didn’t have the money to buy them. 6. How did Opal plan to buy the collar and leash for Winn-Dixie? She wanted to buy them on an installment plan; that is, she wanted to take the collar and leash with her that day but make weekly payments (installment payments).

What did Opal mistake for a growling in Winn Dixie stomach?

What did Opal mistake for a growling in Winn-Dixie’s stomach? Why did Amanda suggest that they go inside? She thought it was about to rain. The yard was messy.

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