Is 10500 standards for drinking water?

Is 10500 standards for drinking water?

This standard specifies the acceptable limits and the permissible limits in the absence of alternate source. It is recommended that the acceptable limit is to be implemented as values in excess of those mentioned under ‘Acceptable’ render the water not suitable.

What is the permissible limit of suspended solids in drinking water?

S. No. Parameter Inland surface water
2 Suspended solids mg/l, max. 100
3 Particle size of suspended solids shall pass 850 micron IS Sieve
4 pH value 5.5 to 9.0
5 Temperature shall not exceed 5oC above the receiving water temperature

What is the maximum permissible limit of hardness in drinking water as per IS 10500?

Drinking Water Quality Standards

S.No. Parameters Drinking water IS 10500 : 2012
3 pH 6.5 to 8.5
4 TDS (mg/l) 500
5 Hardness (as CaCO3) (mg/l) 200
6 Alkalinity (as CaCO3) (mg/l) 200

What is the permissible limit of drinking water?

WHO has prescribed a provisional guideline value of As 10 μg/l in drinking water and according to India standard drinking water specification 1991, the highest desirable limit is 50 μg/l and no relaxation for maximum permissible level.

How do I get rid of total coliform in my well water?

A Penn State study found that approximately 15 percent of wells with coliform bacteria could be treated by shock chlorinating the well and installing a sanitary well cap. This was especially true for wells that had small numbers of coliform bacteria (fewer than 10 colonies per 100 mL).

What do you do if your well tests positive for coliform?

When coliforms have been detected, repairs or modifications of the water system may be required. Boiling the water is advised until disinfection and retesting can confirm that contamination has been eliminated. A defective well is often the cause when coliform bacteria are found in well water.

Can coliform be filtered out of water?

Biological contaminants such as coliform bacteria are most effectively eliminated through chlorine disinfection, filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, and ozonation. This can be accomplished with either a whole home filtration system, an under the sink solution, or a counter top system like the Berkey Water Filter.

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