Is 8 a good grade in Netherlands?
In Holland, however, an 8 is a very good grade, since most grades are between 6 and 8; only excellent students achieve a grade higher than 8.
What is Year 10 in the Netherlands?
In The Netherlands, the 10th grade (based on the level of compulsory secondary education) is the last (VMBO), second to last (HAVO), or fourth out of six (VWO) grades of high school.
What is Year 8 in the Netherlands?
Primary school in the Netherlands (basisonderwijs) Elementary or primary school (lagere school) has eight grades, known as groepen, ranging from Groep 1 (4-year olds) to Groep 8 (12-year olds).
What is 12th grade in Netherlands?
In the Netherlands, 12th grade is named by the school level. From low to high: “VMBO”, “HAVO” and “VWO”. VMBO is composed of four years, with 12th grade being the fourth (4th) and final year. A higher school level is the HAVO, which lasts for five years.
Can you be 19 in the 12th grade?
No, most 12th graders here in the US are 18 when they graduate. There is a relatively small group of kids who will turn 19 by graduation, but they are in the minority and usually comprise of students who were either kept back an extra year earlier or who failed a year and had to repeat.
What grade is a 12 year old in USA?
Grade 7
What grade is a 13 year old in?
Year / Grade Placement
Age | UK Years | US/International Grades |
12 – 13 | Year 8 | 7th Grade |
13 – 14 | Year 9 | 8th Grade |
14 – 15 | Year 10 | 9th Grade (Freshman) |
15 – 16 | Year 11 | 10th Grade (Sophomore) |
Is it weird to graduate high school at 19?
It is certainly OK to graduate from high school at age 19. That isn’t unusual, especially if your parents “red-shirted” you from kindergarten. “Red shirting” is holding a student back so they will be more physically (and perhaps emotionally) mature than some of their classmates.
Can you be in high school at 20?
Originally Answered: Can you be in high school at 20? Yes. Some states allow students with disabilities or limited English to remain in school until the age of 22. A student who was retained twice would turn 20 his or her senior year.
Is it weird to graduate high school at 17?
17 is actually a very common age to graduate High school. If you look at the whole of America the average age is 18. But if everyone looks at the each and every state you will know that the average age to graduate High school varies from 17 to 18.
Is 18 too old for high school?
The US school system is designed so that most people will be 17 or 18 upon graduation of high school. However, students who move at a different pace throughout their school years may find themselves at a different age when graduating.
What’s the oldest age to be in high school?
While it may differ around the world, in the United States the maximum age limit that a person can attend high school for free is about 20 or 21 (in one state it’s 19 and in another it’s 26).
How old are you in 9th grade?
14 to 15 years
How old are you when you get out of high school?
Generally, students begin high school at 14 years of age and graduate at 18. Many community agencies can help you find information about school for your children.
What is 10th grade called?
These same terms apply in the same way to the four years of a standard high school: 9th grade is freshman year, 10th grade sophomore year, 11th grade junior year, and 12th grade senior year.
What age do you graduate at?
As a general rule, most students graduate from high school when they are 18 years of age. If they proceed directly into college, and complete the curriculum requirements in the normal four year allotment of time, they will graduate from college, at the age of 22.
Can I drop out at 14?
California students may drop out legally once they turn 18. Students who are 16 or 17 may also leave school, but only if they: have their parents’ permission, and. pass the California High School Proficiency Exam, which leads to a certificate that’s equivalent to a diploma (more on that below).
Is dropping out of high school worth it?
The consequences of dropping out of high school are that you will be more likely to become a prison inmate or the victim of a crime. You will also have a higher chance of becoming homeless, unemployed, and/or unhealthy. Simply put, a lot of bad stuff potentially happens if you drop out.
What happens if child refuses to go to school?
If you’re having trouble getting your child to go to school, the school and local council can help. The school will discuss attendance problems with you and should agree a plan with you to improve your child’s attendance. A lot of local councils have teams that help parents improve their child’s attendance at school.