Is a conifer a fern?

Is a conifer a fern?

Conifers are gymnosperms or “naked seed plants” in the phylum Coniferophyta. Ferns are non-seed plants in the phylum Pterophyta. The zygotes then develop into adult plants called sporophytes. Conifers reproduce through pollination of ovulate cones that eventually develop seeds.

What is the main difference between a pine tree and a fern?

Ferns and pine trees can be classified as different organisms from each other based on whether they have spores for reproducing (as in ferns) or cones for reproducing (pines and other conifers). Ferns also have rhizomes – underground stems from which leaves grow. Conifers are woody plants.

How do fern pines grow?

It can tolerate a variety of conditions from poor or compact soil to a lot of shade. It will also grow well in full sun. You should water your fern pine in the first growing season, but after that it shouldn’t need any regular care other than trimming if you choose to shape or espalier it.

How tall does a fern pine tree grow?

between 50 and 65 feet

Are fern pines messy?

However, it can get messy as it drops debris such as leaves and acorns. Fern pine (Podocarpus gracilior): Often used as an evergreen shrub, it is easily trained into a tree that can reach 20 to 40 feet tall and spread 10 to 20 feet. The small leaves don’t create a mess and are suitable for planting around a pool.

Is Fern Pine toxic to dogs?

Plants in the Podocarpus genus (to which the Afrocarpus species once belonged) can cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting if any plant parts especially the seeds are ingested in quantity by pets and humans.

Is Fern pine poisonous?

Similarly, Podocarpus gracilior [East African Yellowwood, Fern Pine, Weeping Podocarpus] is a non-native species which was mentioned in a few web discussions as toxic [2 strikes: non-native AND possibly toxic!].

Does Creeping Jenny like sun or shade?

Creeping Jenny needs consistently moist, but not soggy, soil. Often happiest in damp, low-lying areas of the garden where there’s room for them to spread and not cause trouble for neighboring plants. Don’t allow Creeping Jenny flowers to dry out between watering and plant in sun to partial shade.

Is Creeping Jenny safe?

Although this plant contains some saponins, it is non-toxic if fed as part of a varied diet. It is most often seen in gardens, but it will also grow in boggy areas near a pond. Do not confuse this plant with Ground Ivy, which also has the common name Creeping Charlie, but which is toxic.

Will Creeping Jenny kill other plants?

Only reaching about 2 inches (5 cm.) in height, this plant can grow to 2 feet (61 cm.) long and has an unusually extensive root system. Once it’s established, it can be hard to get rid of and will crowd out or strangle plants that get in its path.

Does Creeping Jenny choke out weeds?

During summer, golden creeping jenny generates a cup shaped, brilliant yellow flowers. It covers a large area rapidly and chokes out weeds. You can choose to plant it by the wall, as a pond ring, or as an edge for your footpath.

Will Creeping Jenny take over grass?

Golden creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’) is a known thug. It doesn’t play well with its neighbors but is perfect for replacing lawns as it can be kept within bounds simply by edging. The plant is less than 3 inches tall with an aggressive spread.

Does Creeping Jenny come back every year?

Also known as moneywort, creeping jenny can be grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. It’s most often grown as an evergreen ground cover in these areas, surviving as a perennial when grown in zones 3 through 7.

How fast will Creeping Jenny spread?

Make sure that the soil is kept moist when first planted so that it can take root. Given the right conditions, creeping Jenny can grow and spread up to two feet very quickly. Due to its rapidly spreading nature, plant 12 to 18 inches apart.

Can Creeping Jenny be a houseplant?

Creeping Jenny grows readily and quickly, so plant them 12 to 18 inches (31-46 cm.) You can also take the container indoors, as creeping Jenny grows well as a houseplant. Just be sure to give it a cooler spot in the winter.

How often should I water creeping Jenny?

If you’re gardening in a cool, humid coastal area, your plants need less water than those growing in hot, dry inland locations. As a general rule, shallow-rooted golden creeping Jenny benefits from slow, deep watering that wets the soil to 1 foot below its surface whenever the weekly rainfall is less than 1 inch.

What animal eats Creeping Jenny?

Creeping Jenny grows well in the types of moist, rich woodland conditions where rabbits usually live, but luckily, they usually will not touch it, and neither will deer. When they are truly hungry, both rabbits and deer will eat almost any plant, so keep an eye out.

Why is my Creeping Jenny dying?

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia) can be affected by Rhizoctonia Crown and Stem Rot and Southern Blight (Sclerotium rolfsii) as well as other fungal diseases. The fungal infection can worsen and the plants can become an eyesore or so badly infected they partially die.

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