Is an alternative to job specialization that increases the total number of tasks that workers perform?

Is an alternative to job specialization that increases the total number of tasks that workers perform?

job enlargement

Is the number kind and variety of tasks that individual workers perform in their jobs?

The term task description refers to the number, kind, and variety of tasks that individual workers perform in doing their jobs.

Which of the following is the key difference between line authority and staff authority?

Which of the following is the key difference between line authority and staff authority? Line authority is the right to command immediate subordinates, whereas staff authority is the right to advise but not command others who are not subordinates.

Which is a characteristic of functional departmentalization?

Functional departmentalization groups together jobs which are involving the same or similar activities. Here; the word function is used to mean organizational functions such as finance and production, rather than the basic managerial functions, such as planning or controlling.

What is functional departmentalization give some example?

In functional departmentalization, an organization is organized into departments based upon the respective functions each performs for the organization. For example, a manufacturing company may create a production department, sales and marketing department, an accounting department, and a human resources department.

What is the functional departmentalization?

Functional departmentation is the process of creating organizational units on the basis of the firm’s major activities. It involves grouping employees according to the broad tasks they perform. Normally separate departments are created for all the key activities of the business.

What is an example of customer departmentalization?

Customer departmentalisation An example of an organisation that would benefit from such a structure is the banking industry [GALB 02]. For instance, higher income clients might require Internet and telephone banking, while retail customers require pointof-sale systems to interact with the bank’s system.

What are the three levels of management?

The three levels of management typically found in an organization are low-level management, middle-level management, and top-level management.

What are the advantages of a functional structure?

Advantages of a functional structure

  • specialisation – departments focus on one area of work.
  • productivity – specialism means that staff are skilled in the tasks they do.
  • accountability – there are clear lines of management.
  • clarity – employees understand their own and others’ roles.

What are the disadvantages of functional organization?

4 Main Disadvantages of Functional Organisation

  • (1) Ignorance of Organisational Objectives: Each departmental head works according to his sweet will.
  • (2) Difficulty in Interdepartmental Coordination: All departmental heads may work as per their own wish.
  • (3) Conflict of Interest: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • (4) Hurdle in Complete Development:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of functional structure?

Organizing a company in this way has inherent advantages and disadvantages.

  • Advantage: Specialization.
  • Advantage: Operational Speed.
  • Advantage: Operational Clarity.
  • Disadvantage: Segregation.
  • Disadvantage: Weakening of Common Bonds.
  • Disadvantage: Lack of Coordination.
  • Disadvantage: Territorial Disputes.

Which one is the main advantage of functional organization?

Functional Organization Structure Main Advantages: Offers a high level of specialization. Employees are possible to become experts. Staff working skills can be effectively improved. could enhance the work efficiency and productivity due to the specialized skills and technology.

What are the strengths of divisional organizational design?

A divisional organizational structure gives a larger business enterprise the ability to segregate large sections of the company’s business into semi-autonomous groups. While generally better suited to larger organizations, in some circumstances this formal structure may also benefit a smaller business.

What is a functional organizational structure?

A functional organization is a common type of organizational structure in which the organization is divided into smaller groups based on specialized functional areas, such as IT, finance, or marketing.

What are the advantages of divisional structure?

4 Important Advantages of Divisional Organisation

  • (1) Development of Divisional Heads: The head of each division looks after all the functions connected with their product that is, purchase, sale, advertisement, production, finance, etc.
  • (2) Divisional Results can be assessed:
  • (3) Quick Decision Making:
  • (4) Easy Expansion:

What is the difference between functional and divisional structure?

The key difference between functional and divisional structure is that functional structure is an organizational structure in which the organization is divided into smaller groups based on specialized functional areas such as production, marketing and sales whereas divisional structure is a type of organizational …

What is the weakness of divisional organizational design?

Disadvantages of the Divisional Organization Structure The key points against the divisional structure involve the cost of duplicating functions and a reduced focus on the overall direction of the company.

Is Amazon a divisional structure?

➢ Amazon has divisional structure to provide high quality services specific to each product/service category. However, cross-departmental communication and coordination need to be enhanced through adopting more methods to tighten up the links between different units.

Is Amazon a functional structure? Inc. has a functional organizational structure. This structure focuses on business functions as bases for determining the interactions among components of the organization.

What organizational structure does Apple use?

Apple employs what is known as a “unitary organizational form” — U-form for short — which is also known as a “functional organization.” In broad strokes, a U-form organization is organized around expertise, not products: in the case of Apple, that means design is one group (under Ive), product marketing is another ( …

What is Amazon’s leadership style?

Amazon leadership style has been classified as pragmatist. Pragmatist leaders “set high standards and unapologetically expect those standards to be met by themselves and by their employees”[1] The company’s founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos is an exceptional and proven business leader.

What leadership style does Jeff Bezos use?

Autocratic Leadership

What leadership style does Elon Musk use?


What type of leader is Bill Gates?

transformational leadership

What type of leader is Mark Zuckerberg?

transformational leader

What is Warren Buffett leadership style?

Buffett employs a “hands-off” management style, which has worked extremely well for him (Stern). This style of leadership is referred to as Laissez-Faire, or delegative leadership, and often leads to low productivity levels (Cherry).

What is Steve Jobs leadership style?

Steve Jobs offers a more autocratic leadership style. An autocratic leadership has one person in charge, the authoritarian, who collects little to no input from team members. The leader is the main person in charge of decision making and typically decides based on their ideas rather than solid evidence.

Why is Steve Jobs a transformational leader?

The results of our analysis show that people remembered Jobs as a leader per se, and that they ascribed at least three attributes to him that are commonly associated with transformational leaders: “creative,” “visionary,” and “passionate.” Indeed, Jobs’ eye for design, his ability to imagine new products and ways of …

Who is an example of a transactional leader?

Many high-level members of the military, CEOs of large international companies, and NFL coaches are known to be transactional leaders. Transactional leadership also works well in policing agencies and first responder organizations. Here are four examples of transactional leaders.

Is Steve Jobs a democratic leader?

Apple survived because Steve Jobs learned how to adapt. He became a democratic/participative leader. Jobs started out as a charismatic/laissez-faire leader, and Apple soared. Then he became an autocratic leader, and Apple’s board of directors requested his resignation.

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