
Is AP statistics easier than precalculus?

Is AP statistics easier than precalculus?

Statistics (the AP course) in my opinion is a slightly less challenging class than pre-calc. I am enrolled in both of these classes right now at the high school level. Statistics (the AP course) in my opinion is a slightly less challenging class than pre-calc.

Should I take AP stats or Calc?

If you have plans to major in STEM, then AP Calculus is a must in high school. AP Statistics is a better option for Commerce, Business and Finance majors. You can choose both if you want to major in Math and Statistics.

Should I report AP scores of 3?

Top colleges will let you self-report your AP scores. Take advantage of that and don’t report scores that you don’t want to share. Including 3’s will weaken your application to a school like Stanford. Only a year ago, this would not have been the case.

What happens if you get a bad AP score?

AP scores have very, very little impact on college admissions, especially if the exam has nothing to do with your major. If you don’t report, they probably won’t really notice. They can’t assume you failed, as maybe you never took the exam in the first place. They care more about your grade in the class.

Do colleges get AP scores before students?

Some colleges won’t accept AP scores after you have arrived on campus as a freshman. When you designate a college/university to receive your scores, they’ll receive your entire score report from all AP Exams you’ve taken throughout high school unless you’ve requested scores be withheld or canceled.

Should I report a 2 on an AP exam?

If you got a 2 simply because you didn’t take the test seriously but know that you have a good understanding of the subject, go ahead and submit it. If you are asking whether or not you should put this on a college app (for credit or otherwise), it would not be wise because a 2 is considered a failing score.

Is a 2 bad on AP exam?

Most colleges and universities accept a 4 or 5 for college credit, and even a 3 on some of the more difficult exams. A 1 or 2 does mean no credit, but the College Board does let you withhold specific AP scores from schools that don’t require a complete report.

Do Ivy Leagues look at AP scores?

Beyond the letters of recommendation, Ivy League admissions counselors can look at AP scores. Just because your school only offers four AP classes does not by any means mean that you don’t have to take any more AP tests to stand out in a competitive field of college applicants.

Is a 4 on the AP exam good?

A score of 3 or higher is generally considered good, because that means you passed the exam! A 4 is considered very good, and a 5 is especially impressive since it is the highest score. Also keep in mind that every college sets its own policy about AP credit.

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