Is Atropia real?

Is Atropia real?

You’ve never heard of Atropia? Well, it’s a fictitious country created by the U.S. Army. Like many real-world combat deployments, soldiers parachute out of the massive C-17 Globemaster into Atropia.

What is Pineland?

: land naturally dominated by pine forests.

What is Atropia based on?

The fictitious countries of Donovia and Atropia are based in the Caucasus region between Europe and Asia. When Donovia invades and seizes the city of Razish, it causes a disruption in the area’s export of hydrocarbon resources.

What is the capital of Atropia?

A dichotomy exists where cities possess most modern society amenities, but many rural people continue to live as their ancestors did centuries ago. About 25 percent (2.46 million) of the Atropian populace live in the capital city, Baku, or its immediate suburbs.

What is decisive action training environment?

The Decisive Action Training Environment, or DATE, allows Soldiers to use combat “tools” to solve tactical problems in a wide range of real-world scenarios derived from actual threats across the Army’s Operational Environment, or OE, instead of a training scenario derived from a known deployment location.

What is Atropia veteran?

Atropia is the name of a fictional oil-rich country at war with its neighbor, with US and UN joint coalition forces in place to monitor a cease-fire agreement. The center of the simulation is the town of Brentville, which has a clothing shop, a market, a courthouse, and a mosque.

What is the acronym used for operational variables?

Those operational variables, often framed with the acronym PMESII-PT, are― • Political. • Military.

What are the three levels of war?

Modern military theory divides war into strategic, operational, and tactical levels.

Why is it called Robin Sage?

Robin Sage, derives its name from the town of Robbins, N.C., a central area of operations for the exercise, and former Army Colonel Jerry Sage, a World War II veteran and an Office of Strategic Services, or OSS officer who taught unconventional-warfare tactics.

What is the MOS for Army Special Forces?

Within the Army Special Forces, their MOS Specialty Field is the number 18. The Special Forces Officer is the missing 18A (below). The Special Forces officer is in charge and both operationally and administratively responsible for the Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA).

What is Robin Sage training?

Robin Sage training is a live-action role-playing exercise with Special Forces students, volunteer civilians and soldiers out of Fort Bragg.

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