Is chortle a word?

Is chortle a word?

The Oxford English Dictionary calls “chortle” “A factitious word introduced by the author of Through the Looking-Glass, and jocularly used by others after him.” Regular Language Corner readers know all about “factitious” things, but since in many ways, nearly all new words are “factitious” these days, that label may …

What is a antonym for chortled?

Antonyms of CHORTLE frown, scowl, cry, pout, face, mouth, groan, lower, moan, grimace, wail.

What is another word for chortled?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for chortle, like: chuckle, laugh, snort, giggle, sounds, laugh softly,, cackle, snicker, laughter and guffaw.

What does disquieting mean?

transitive verb. : to take away the peace or tranquility of : disturb, alarm were disquieted by recent events.

What part of speech is the word chortled?


part of speech: transitive verb & intransitive verb
inflections: chortles, chortling, chortled
definition: to give or express with, a snorting chuckle. He chortled as he remembered the various pranks he pulled on his roommate in college. synonyms: snicker, snigger similar words: cackle, chuckle, crow, snort

How do you use disquieting in a sentence?

disquieting in a sentence

  1. The bus riders themselves are full of disquieting stories, too.
  2. The Taliban’s first actions after seizing Kabul were disquieting.
  3. In some quarters, however, disquieting questions were being asked.
  4. Many people see disquieting shades of Big Brother in all this.

What part of speech is disquieting?


part of speech: noun
inflections: disquiets, disquieting, disquieted
definition: to make anxious or uneasy; disturb; worry. The announcement of possible layoffs at the factory disquieted the workers. antonyms: quiet, soothe, tranquilize similar words: discomfort, disturb, unsettle, upset, vex, worry

How do you use Empower in a sentence?

Use “empower” in a sentence | “empower” sentence examples

  1. The Voting Rights Act was needed to empower minority groups.
  2. The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.
  3. Modern science and technology empower human beings to control natural forces more effectively.
  4. I want to empower the businessman.
  5. I empower my agent to make the deal for me.

How do you use dynamism in a sentence?

1 Such changes are indicators of economic dynamism. 2 She has a freshness and dynamism about her. 3 He praised her professionalism and dynamism. 4 The freshness and dynamism of her approach was welcomed by all her students.

What is dynamism in communication?

It is the ability to share thoughts and experiences in a meaningful way while taking in, processing, and responding to the person you are talking with.

What is your dynamism?

If you say that someone or something has dynamism, you are expressing approval of the fact that they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas. If you refer to the dynamism of a situation or system, you are referring to the fact that it is changing in an exciting and dramatic way.

What is dynamism in the workplace?

Dynamism at the workplace recognizes that different employees are talented and skilled differently and that different people are optimally productive at different times of the day. It focuses more on an employee’s output and less on the number of hours worked.

What is workplace identity?

An individual’s work identity refers to a work-based self-concept, constituted of a combination of organizational, occupational, and other identities that shapes the roles a person adopts and the corresponding ways he or she behaves when performing his or her work.

How do you create a dynamic work environment?

How to Create Dynamic Work Environments

  1. Motivate stagnant employees.
  2. Stabilize organizations.
  3. Inspire creativity.
  4. Reduce burnout and increase job satisfaction.
  5. Provide opportunities for individuals to learn new skills.
  6. Provide opportunities for individuals to learn how to teach others.
  7. Open teams to new players.
  8. Fast track high potential employees.

What is a dynamic team environment?

A dynamic team will be collaborative, trusting, flexible, and customer-focused rather than profit-focused. Work days and locations are dictated by the worker, and so long as the work gets done the organisation is happy with the arrangement.

What is a dynamic environment?

A dynamic environment is characterized by the uncertainty of the environment that limits the ability of managers to make decisions (Soin & Paul, 2013. (2013). Risk and risk management in management accounting and control.

What is static and dynamic environment?

An environment is static if only the actions of an agent modify it. It is dynamic on the other hand if other processes are operating on it. An environment is said to be discrete if there are a finite number of actions that can be performed within it.

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