Is class in French feminine or masculine?

Is class in French feminine or masculine?

The word classe in French is a feminine noun. Because it is feminine, feminine articles such as une (meaning ‘a’) and la (meaning ‘the’) need to be…

What is the meaning of Devoir in English?

duty, responsibility

Is Devoirs plural or singular?

‘Devoirs’ in the plural is homework and ‘devoir’ in the singular is ‘duty’. e.g. Il a fait son devoir. = He has done his duty.

What is the difference between Devoir and Devoirs?

Le devoir = duty, les devoirs = duties, homework.

How do you say dois in French?

The verb devoir corresponds to the English modal verbs must or have to. It expresses obligation. In its most basic meaning, Je dois means I must. Used In its conditional tense, Je devrais means I should or I ought to.

What is Dois mean?

have to, must, owe.

How do you say you must do something in French?

The French verb devoir means “must,” “to have to,” or “to owe to.” Essentially, it’s used when you “have to” do something….The Many Meanings of Devoir

  1. Il doit rentrer avant le dîner. >
  2. Nous devons gagner plus cette année. >
  3. Elle doit être à l’école. >

What is Imparfait in French?

The two most common tenses to talk about the past in French are the imparfait (“imperfect”) and passé composé (literally “composite past,” but more generally the “past perfect” tense). The imperfect tense is generally used for descriptions of past events or actions without a specific endpoint in time.

Why is etre irregular in Imparfait?

Verbs that end in -ier (e.g., étudier) will end up with a double ‘i’ in the Imperfect nous and vous forms. This isn’t irregular – it just looks odd. (And sounds odd, too, because you have to pronounce each letter ‘i’ individually.) There is only one irregular verb in the Imperfect tense, and that’s the verb ÊTRE.

Is etre always Imparfait?

While l’imparfait is more or less equivalent to the English past progressive, l’imparfait is more widely used, especially with verbs like avoir and être. As for the passé composé, it has three English equivalents. Be sure you fully understand these two French tenses before continuing with this lesson.

Is etre an Imparfait?

In L’Imparfait, almost all the verbs follow the same pattern of conjugation. See Conjugate regular verbs in L’Imparfait (imperfect tense). However (as usual!), the verb être (to be) is slightly irregular….Related lessons.

je / j’ -ais
tu -ais
il/elle/on -ait
nous -ions
vous -iez

Does Imparfait use etre?

In this module we will study another past tense, the Imparfait (the Imperfect), which is easy to learn because there is only one irregular verb (être)….Imperfect Tense Instruction-

Etre- English Translation-
J’étais- I was-
Tu étais- You — familiar– were-
Il, elle, on était- He, she, one was-
Nous étions- We were-

Is Sortir avoir or etre?

Sortir (to get out) is a verb full of exceptions. It’s irregular, and it can have either être or avoir as an auxiliary verb, depending on the meaning you want to convey.

Is Dormir etre or avoir?


Present Present participle
je dors dormant
tu dors
il dort Passé composé
nous dormons Auxiliary verb avoir

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