Is Coke high in sodium?

Is Coke high in sodium?

For example, one 12-ounce (354-mL) can of Diet Coke contains no calories, sugar, fat, or protein and 40 mg of sodium (1).

How much sodium is in a can of coke?

Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of Coca-Cola Original….Nutrition Facts.

% Daily Value* % Daily Value*
Nutritional Composition % Daily value per serving % Daily value per container
Total Fat 0g 0g 0% Uninformed
Sodium 75mg 75mg 3% Uninformed
Total Carbohydrate 65g 65g 24% Uninformed

How much sodium is in a 12 oz Coke?

Coca-Cola Classic Coke 12 oz Bottles

Total Fat 0g 0%
Sodium 45mg 2%
Total Sugars 39g
Protein 0g
Includes Added Sugars 39g 78%

What soft drinks are low in sodium?

Low Sodium Soft Drinks

  • Cola (23)
  • Lemon Lime & Citrus Soda (27)
  • Root Beer & Cream Soda (10)
  • Orange Soda (5)
  • Ginger Ale (4)
  • Tonic & Club Soda (4)
  • Specialty & Natural Soda (2)
  • Fruit & Berry Soda (1)

What’s the most unhealthiest food in the world?

20 Foods That Are Bad for Your Health

  1. Sugary drinks. Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet.
  2. Most pizzas.
  3. White bread.
  4. Most fruit juices.
  5. Sweetened breakfast cereals.
  6. Fried, grilled, or broiled food.
  7. Pastries, cookies, and cakes.
  8. French fries and potato chips.

Which nuts are the best for weight loss?

5 Best Nuts to Eat for Weight Loss

  1. Walnuts. Walnuts are one of the best nuts for weight loss because they are chock full of healthy fats.
  2. Pistachios.
  3. Almonds.
  4. Cashews.
  5. Brazil Nuts.

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