Is DeviantArt free for commercial use?
The display of art of Deviant Art is merely publication. It offers no rights to the public at all. No different than a library book: free to look at, but you can’t copy it or use it. Commercial or noncommercial, doesn’t matter.
How much is DeviantArt worth?
On February 23, 2017, DeviantArt was acquired by, Inc. for $36 million.
How do I start a DeviantArt account?
How do I create a DeviantArt account?
- Click “Join” in the top right corner of
- Pick out your (super awesome) username and fill out the rest of the form.
- Be sure to read the Terms of Service and Etiquette Policy and click the box to agree.
- Click “Join” and begin your creative journey!
Why can’t I make a DeviantArt account?
This ban exists because of a very abusive individual or small group of individuals who have repeatedly created accounts in order to harass and abuse our members and the site. To stop this behavior, we were forced to prevent new account creation by anyone using that particular IP range or service provider.
Why is DeviantArt saying my email is invalid?
Sometimes DeviantArt will need to temporarily block the creation and registration of new accounts from email providers who have been exploited by automated advertising software.
Is DeviantArt better?
DeviantART is still a very very large community of artists… some good, some bad. It’s gotten a bad rep among some other online communities and artists, but it’s still a widespread website with lots of very talented artists working and posting on it.
Is art a good business?
Research shows that art in the workplace reduces stress, increases creativity and productivity, enhances commitment, broadens employee appreciation of diversity, and encourages discussions. Art humanises the work environment and gives the business a context in their employees’ lives and activities.