Is Erin Hunter still writing warriors books?
Because Erin Hunter is not an actual person, these books were signed by Victoria Holmes on her behalf. As of 14 April 2017, Holmes announced on her Facebook page that she would no longer be writing for the series as she feels she has reached the point where she can contribute no more to the story.
Who is on the cover of warriors night whispers?
Flametail is the cat depicted on the original and reprinted covers. It features Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Dovepaw, Ivypaw, and Flametail as the main protagonists. Yellowfang and other StarClan cats are featured in the prologue.
What cat is on the cover of the last hope?
What series is the last hope in warrior cats?
Warriors: Omen of the Stars
What is the last warrior cat book?
The series comprises six novels: The Apprentice’s Quest (15 March 2016), Thunder and Shadow (6 September 2016), Shattered Sky (11 April 2017), Darkest Night (7 November 2017), River of Fire (10 April 2018), and The Raging Storm (6 November 2018).
What is mapleshade’s story?
Mapleshade was a ThunderClan warrior that served under Oakstar’s leadership in the forest territories and a Dark Forest member. She was apprenticed to Bloomheart and later became a warrior known as Mapleshade. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits.
Who is on the cover of fading echoes?
Who succeeded Bramblestar?
When Bramblestar was announced permanently dead and StarClan’s inference forsaken, Squirrelflight was encouraged by ThunderClan to become their new leader and receive her nine lives since Bramblestar had not come back to life, but she denied doing anything until she grieved for him.
Is warrior cats a good book?
The Warriors series is one of the best series in the history of Children’s Literature. This series is for emergent readers of 8 and up. If you are a parent and worry about the content you’re children are reading: I applaud you! A lot of books that seem to be written for children are quite graphic.