Is Esperanza rich or poor?
As Esperanza travels with her mother and her former servants—now her equals in the search for paying work on a company farm in California—she comes to see the first twelve years of her life through new eyes, and begins to understand the larger meaning and purpose of what it means to be “wealthy.” In the novel’s early …
Why was The House on Mango Street Banned?
Banned from Middle School. Helens school board decided to ban The House on Mango Street from the middle-school curriculum. The district’s “reconsideration committee” claimed that the book contained “content too mature for this age group” and expressed “concerns for the social issues presented.”
What happens to Sally in House on Mango Street?
Sally leans against the fence at school and tries to ignore the rumors boys tell about her. She had a best friend named Cheryl, but they got into a violent fight and now Sally leans on the fence alone.
What is the main message of The House on Mango Street?
One of the most important themes of The House on Mango Street is the power of words. Esperanza first learns that the lack of language (especially English) means powerlessness, as with Mamacita, who is trapped in her apartment by her ignorance and fear of English.
What are two things Esperanza wants for her future?
Esperanza wants a nice suburban house with a garden, like the ones where her father works. On the weekends, the family visits these houses and dreams about moving there. Esperanza has stopped going with her family. She, too, would like to live in one of those houses, but she is tired of looking at what she cannot have.
How does Esperanza change throughout the story House on Mango Street?
At the start of the novel, the reader learns that Esperanza has no desire to stay on Mango Street over the long term. However, as Esperanza matures, she becomes more aware of the socioeconomics of her family and her neighbors. She comes to realize that their poverty is what keeps them on Mango Street.
How Esperanza is growing up?
Esperanza is a girl that has is sort of poor but not completely. They have moved from place to place until they settled at a house in Mango Street when she was eight years old. This is because she is starting to grow hips and that is an important change and sign that a girl is indeed growing up.