Is frontiers a good journal?

Is frontiers a good journal?

At first, I thought, Frontiers’ journals are reputable and they acted like a reputable journal by just assigning an associate editor and then 2 reviewers to take care of my article. Last month, they sent the reviewers’ comments. It was easy overall for both reviewers’ comments.

Is ResearchGate peer-reviewed?

It has a blogging feature for users to write short reviews on peer-reviewed articles. ResearchGate indexes self-published information on user profiles to suggest members to connect with others who have similar interests. ResearchGate does not charge fees for putting content on the site and does not require peer review.

How much does it cost to publish in frontiers?

Article Processing Charges by Journal
Journal A Type Articles B Type Articles
Frontiers in Neurorobotics US$ 2,950 US$ 1,850
Frontiers in Neuroscience US$ 2,950 US$ 1,850
Frontiers in Nutrition US$ 2,490 US$ 1,150

Is Frontiers in Psychology a predatory Journal?

Frontiers journals have a controversial reputation. In 2015, Frontiers Media was included in Jeffrey Beall’s list of potential predatory open access publishers and has been accused of using email spam.

Is Frontiers in Psychology reliable?

According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2019 impact factor of 2.067. Scopus classifies it as a general psychology journal and gives it a 2019 CiteScore rank of 73% (above average) compared to all other indexed general psychology journals.

How do you cite Frontiers in Psychology?

Frontiers in Psychology citation: Rowling, J. K. (1997).

Do you get paid for publishing in academic journals?

Academics are not paid for their article contributions to journals. They often have to pay fees to submit articles to journals and to publish. Peer reviewers, the overseers tasked with making sure the science published in the journals is up to standard, typically aren’t paid either.

How do I get a paper published in an academic journal?

How to Get Published in an Academic Journal

  1. Give yourself enough time. Early-career researchers are busy, and while the need to publish is pressing, they have lots of other responsibilities which can make writing difficult.
  2. Ask for help.
  3. Target the right journal.
  4. Follow instructions.
  5. Accept and embrace criticism.
  6. Re-submit.
  7. Be Patient.

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