Is ginger grown underground?

Is ginger grown underground?

Ginger is a rhizome, an underground modification of stem. Rhizome is a branched, prostrate, horizontally growing stem having nodes and internodes.

Is ginger an underground root true or false?

Underground stems are modified plant structures that derive from stem tissue but exist under the soil surface. Ginger is an underground stem and not root because it has nodes and internodes and not because it lacks chlorophyll, it stores food and had vessels and xylem. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Which part of the plant does ginger come from?

ginger root

Does ginger reproduce by roots?

Ginger has low genetic diversity because it reproduces asexually by vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation is a form of asexual reproduction in multicellular plants in which the new plants are created from the roots, stems ,or leaves of the parent plant.

Do we eat stem of ginger?

Notes: In Ginger the part that we eat is actually the root which is also called as Rhizome of the plant. A rhizome is a modified stem that grows horizontally underground.

How are sweet potatoes and potatoes analogous?

Potato and sweet potato are the analogous organs because they both are grown underground and stores food but potato is a stem whereas sweet potato is a modified root grown underground.

Are carrot and radish homologous structures?

Homologous structures are those structures that have the same origin but can perform the same or different functions in different organisms. Among the given sets of vegetables, carrot and radish are homologous structures as they are modifications of root for food storage.

Are Penguins analogous?

– Both the organisms Dolphin and Penguin are analogous in nature because the flippers they have, do similar functions but their origin is different so comes in the category of analogous. They form analogous structures that have similar form or function but were not present in the last common ancestors of those groups.

What is a flipper on a dolphin?

The front limbs on a dolphin are called flippers. The dolphin’s tail is called its flukes (each half is a fluke). There are no bones in a dolphin’s flukes, just tough connective tissue. The dolphin uses its flukes for swimming and its flippers for steering.

Are penguins and fish analogous?

Penguins and fish are analogous to one another based upon a fish’s fin structure and a penguin’s fin-like structure. Penguins use their fins to help them navigate through the arctic conditions in which they live including water. Fish use their fins to navigate through only water.

What is example of analogous?

Analogy, in biology, similarity of function and superficial resemblance of structures that have different origins. For example, the wings of a fly, a moth, and a bird are analogous because they developed independently as adaptations to a common function—flying.

Are fish and dolphins homologous or analogous?

Homologous-Dolphins and fish are both vertebrates, thus they have a similar recent evolutionary history, causing them to have similar body shapes.

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