Is Hercules aa black hole?

Is Hercules aa black hole?

In the heart of the galaxy Hercules A is a monster black hole: It’s about 600 times as massive as the black hole in the center of our Milky Way, making it about 2.5 billion times the Sun’s mass. It’s one of the largest known black holes in the Universe, so big we call it “supermassive.”

How big is Hercules a galaxy?

Emitting nearly a billion times more power in radio wavelengths than our Sun, the galaxy is one of the brightest extragalactic radio sources in the entire sky. The VLA radio data reveal enormous, optically invisible jets that, at one-and-a-half million light-years wide, dwarf the visible galaxy from which they emerge.

How far away is Hercules a 3C 348?

2 billion light-years away

How many times larger is the Hercules a elliptical galaxy than the Milky Way galaxy?

Detailed analyses indicate that the galaxy is actually over 1,000 times more massive (approx. 1015 solar masses) than our Milky Way Galaxy, and the central black hole is nearly 1,000 times more massive (approx. 4 billion solar masses) than the black hole at our Milky Way’s center, one of the largest known.

Where is the Virgo supercluster located in the universe?

The Virgo Supercluster, centered on the Virgo Cluster of galaxies about 65 million light-years away, contains smaller groups and clusters of galaxies, including the Local Group.

What is the largest thing in the universe?

Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall

How many galaxies are in Virgo?

Comprising approximately 1300 (and possibly up to 2000) member galaxies, the cluster forms the heart of the larger Virgo Supercluster, of which the Local Group (containing our Milky Way galaxy) is a member.

What is Earth’s cosmic address?

Our full Cosmic Address: Sydney Observatory, 1003 Upper Fort St, Millers Point, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Earth, The Solar System, Orion Arm, The Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Cluster, Virgo Super-Cluster, Universe … One?

What are the 3 closest galaxies to the Milky Way?

Closest galaxies

Rank Galaxy Distance
1 Milky Way Galaxy 0
2 Canis Major Dwarf 0.025 Mly
3 Virgo Stellar Stream 0.030 Mly
4 Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy 0.081 Mly

Is a galaxy cluster bigger than a galaxy?

When comparing the two, a typical globular cluster might contain a mass of 100,000 Suns, whereas the Milky Way has nearly 1 trillion solar masses. In other words, the Milky Way Galaxy contains 10 million times more mass than a typical globular cluster.

Is the Milky Way in a galaxy cluster?

The Milky Way is part of the Local Group galaxy group (which contains more than 54 galaxies), which in turn is part of the Virgo Supercluster, which is part of the Laniakea Supercluster. The large size and low density of superclusters means that they, unlike clusters, expand with the Hubble expansion.

What is the closest galaxy cluster?

The closest galaxy cluster to ours that is shown on this image is the M81 group located 104,060,000,000,000,000,000 km (11 million light years or 3.3 Mpc) away.

How many galaxies are close to the Milky Way?

54 galaxies

How many galaxies are in a cluster?

A typical galaxy cluster contains 50 to 1000 galaxies, and has a total mass between 100 trillion and 1 quadrillion solar masses, stretching across a distance of 30 million light-years. The galaxies and galaxy groups in a galaxy cluster are buzzing around a mutual center of gravity like bees around a hive.

What are the 4 types of galaxy?

In 1936, Hubble debuted a way to classify galaxies, grouping them into four main types: spiral galaxies, lenticular galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.

What is our galaxy called?

The Milky Way Galaxy

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