Is iScience a good journal?

Is iScience a good journal?

As you would expect for a Cell Press title, iScience is a rigorous journal with high editorial standards.

Is Cell Reports Open-Access?

Cell Reports, the first open-access online-only journal from Cell Press, will publish high-quality research across the entire life science spectrum. Cell Reports builds on this commitment and provides authors with the option to publish in a prestigious journal with immediate fully-available global access.

Is Neuron peer-reviewed?

Neuron is a biweekly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Cell Press, and imprint of Elsevier.

Is ResearchGate legal?

Two journal publishers have launched legal proceedings in the United States against academic-networking site ResearchGate for copyright infringement. Elsevier and the American Chemical Society (ACS) say that the ResearchGate website violates US copyright law by making articles in their journals freely available.Mehr 13, 1397 AP

Is ScienceDirect a credible source?

These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing. See all Pro-Science sources. Overall, we rate ScienceDirect 100% Pro-Science and Very High for factual information.

What is a ghost Journal?

There has been much anecdotal evidence of the existence of ghost-writing – that is, someone who contributed substantially to a paper not being named as an author – (and its linked problem, guest authorship – that is, individuals not deserving of authorship being named as authors), in hematology journals1 and in other …

Is ResearchGate a scholarly source?

Millions of articles might soon disappear from ResearchGate, the world’s largest scholarly social network.Mehr 18, 1396 AP

How does ResearchGate make money?

ResearchGate is building the site, user base, traffic and (user-generated) content. That is, they own the site, not us. However, the value in the site that they will monetize and profit from derives from the participation of users and user content.

Does ResearchGate cost money?

It has a blogging feature for users to write short reviews on peer-reviewed articles. ResearchGate indexes self-published information on user profiles to suggest members to connect with others who have similar interests. ResearchGate does not charge fees for putting content on the site and does not require peer review.

How do I increase my score on ResearchGate?

To improve your RG Score:

  1. Share anything from negative results to raw data or full-fledged publications.
  2. Create a project, or add an update to your existing project(s)
  3. Ask a question or give another researcher a helpful answer.
  4. Follow other researchers.
  5. Comment on and recommend your peer’s research, projects, and questions.

How does ResearchGate calculate score?

According to ResearchGate, the score includes the research outcomes that you share on the platform, your interactions with other members, and the reputation of your peers (i.e., it takes into consideration publications, questions, answers, followers).Azar 18, 1394 AP

What is ResearchGate impact factor?

The impact factor of a journal is the number of times it is cited on average an article published in a particular journal. It is a tool to compare journals and assess the relative importance of a journal within a scientific field.

Why did my RG score go down?

Why has my RG Score decreased or not changed? The RG Score is calculated once a week, so if you’ve added publications and your score has not yet changed, please be patient. It’s also relative, it can go up or down depending on the activity and scores of other ResearchGate members.Ordibehesht 31, 1397 AP

Who viewed my profile on ResearchGate?

In your profile, you can see some statistics on how often people have ‘viewed’ items from your publication list or even downloaded a full text, allowing you to assess how much interest there is in some of your research.Azar 25, 1392 AP

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