Is it bad to cut hair around dogs eyes?

Is it bad to cut hair around dogs eyes?

Trimming the dog’s hair which overhangs the eyes is necessary, not only to allow the dog to have clearer vision, but also to prevent this falling against the eye and causing irritation. The thickness of the hair on the dog’s nose can also get too long and block the dog’s vision from the corners.

How do you trim a Shih Tzu’s face?

When it comes to trimming the hair around your Shih Tzu’s face, make sure you and your pup are both calm and comfortable. Comb out any tangles in the hair over your pup’s eyes and on his nose, then use round-tip scissors to trim the hair a little at a time, being careful to not cut the eyelashes.

Is a male or female Shih Tzu better?

Male Shih Tzus are actually more affectionate and attentive than females. They have also proven to be more reliable, more accepting of kids and other pets. The reverse is almost always the case when you compare the expectations most persons have of Shih Tzus and the realities.

What is a teddy bear cut for a Shih Tzu?

Named for the way it helps your dog resemble an adorable stuffed animal, the teddy bear cut refers to creating a fluffy, rounded face shape for your Shih Tzu. It refers only to the shape of the face hair, so it can be paired with any length of puppy cut.

When should my puppy get her first haircut?


How do I trim my puppy’s nails?

When petting your new pup, rub her feet and put pressure on her toes. Let her investigate the nail clippers as they lie on the floor, then open and close them so she can hear the noise they make. Next, clip the very tip off a nail while providing positive reinforcement with praise and treats.

How do I make my puppy’s nails less sharp?

To make your puppy’s nails less sharp you need to blunt the ends. You can do this by clipping them, grinding them, or you can use a human nail file to lightly file the ends down. All of these methods work to take those little claws down to a reasonable level of sharpness.

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