Is it dedicated to or dedicated for?
“For” is sometimes used in dedications, especially if—as in the cases of children’s books “for” a particular child or children—the persons mentioned might well be appropriate readers of the works. In the usual speech or writing (e.g., “his political efforts are dedicated to achieving tax reductions”), it’s always “to”.
What does in dedication to mean?
: a feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something : the quality or state of being dedicated to a person, group, cause, etc. : a message at the beginning of a book, song, etc., saying that it was written or is being performed in order to honor or express affection for someone.
What is the meaning of dedicated to?
1 : to decide that (something) will be used for (a special purpose) : to use (time, money, energy, attention, etc.) for (something) She dedicates 10 percent of each paycheck to her savings. He dedicated his life/time to helping the poor. After graduating from college, he dedicated himself to his career.
What is an example of dedication?
An example of dedication is the feeling of being a husband and wife. An example of dedication is an opening ceremony for a new charity organization. An example of dedication is a book written in honor of the author’s parents. (countable) A ceremony marking an official completion or opening.
How do you prove dedication?
These are nine unmistakable signs of employee dedication:
- Known for getting things done.
- Punctuality at all times for meetings, work and functions.
- Positive attitude and demeanor with the patients, clients or customers and in personal interactions with other employees.
- Possesses high work ethic.
How is dedication important?
When you are dedicated, you give everything you have—all of your efforts—to a cause or to a task. This is an important trait to exemplify in the workplace in particular. Setbacks occur, and if you are not dedicated, instead of stepping up, you will stay down and disappointed, which could lead you to quit.
How do you dedicate something?
You could write, “I dedicate this book to …”, “This is dedicated to …”, “To: …”, “For: …”, or simply just start writing your dedication without any formal address. It should be on its own page so everyone will get the hint that it is a dedication page, even if there isn’t any formal address.
Can dedication be a strength?
Dedication is an exceedingly strong feeling of support and loyalty for something or someone. To run any successful enterprise you must have available, and be able to depend upon, dedicated employees. Dedication is one of three attributes or hallmarks of worker engagement, the other two being vigor and absorption.
Is commitment and dedication the same thing?
Commitment is about one’s obligation while dedication is about one’s passion in the performance of the obligation. Committed means (as reported from the New Oxford American Dictionary) feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated.
Is dedication a core value?
This week’s core value is: Dedication. Working at a small company means the dedication of every employee is so important! Living out this core value not only encourages people to do business with us, but it also encourages our awesome employees to continue to work for us.
What is a prayer of dedication?
God desires that his children are dedicated into faithfully serving him. He does not expect us to keep casual relationship with him. As we devote our time and services to him, great and mighty works of God will manifest in our lives.
What the Bible says about blessing your home?
1 Samuel 25:6 “And thus you shall greet him: ‘Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.” I don’t know about you but I want a peaceful house and I know I can’t achieve that by myself. This a simple blessing prayer to say as you enter any home.
How do you conduct a house blessing?
If you would prefer to have your house blessed by an ordained priest, invite him to your house to perform the blessing, and he will be happy to oblige. Normally, the priest will walk from room to room, sprinkling each with holy water. As he walks, he may recite one or more passages from the holy gospel.
What did God give Solomon in addition to wisdom?
Solomon asked for wisdom. Pleased, God personally answered Solomon’s prayer, promising him great wisdom because he did not ask for self-serving rewards like long life or the death of his enemies.
Why did God bless Solomon so much?
Solomon started out dedicated to God’s ways. He sought God’s wisdom and God honored him, exalting him high above all other kings. Solomon built God’s earthly dwelling place, a glorious temple of gold, and his kingdom prospered with wealth and peace. God blessed Solomon, just as He promised He would.
What God said about Solomon?
God answered Solomon, “I am pleased you have asked for this. I will give you wisdom. In fact, I will make you more wise and understanding than anyone who has ever lived. No one in the future will ever be as wise as Solomon.”
Why was God pleased with Solomon?
God was pleased because Solomon was doing essentially what Jesus asks everyone to do in Matthew 6:33: Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Solomon was seeking not his own pleasure and power, but God’s pleasure. God added “these things” to him, “these things” in Solomon’s case being riches and honor.
What did Jesus say about Solomon?
In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in. all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.