
Is it each was or each were?

Is it each was or each were?

“Each was” is correct. “Each [eye] of her [two] eyes was focused ….” We use “each” in front of the singular form of a count noun to emphasize individuality.

Was each or were each?

Under the traditional rule, the indefinite pronoun each is always singular and takes a singular verb. Thus: Each of the golfers wants to win the PGA. Each of us wishes for success.

When to use were or was?

Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they. There is a tip you might want to consider. Even though you are singular, you must use “were”.

Is were present tense?

Verb Forms

Form Verb
Infinitive be
Past tense was (for I / he / she / it); were (for we / you / they)
Past participle be, been
Present participle being

Was and were exercises with answers?

was or were – Simple Past – Exercise

  • I. was. were. in Canberra last spring.
  • We. was. were. at school last Saturday.
  • Tina. was. were. at home yesterday.
  • He. was. were. happy.
  • Robert and Stan. was. were. Garry’s friends.
  • You. was. were. very busy on Friday.
  • They. was. were. in front of the supermarket.
  • I. was. were. in the museum.

Are and were exercises?

Grammar exercise – is, am, are, was, were

  • What …………… you doing at 7’O clock in the morning? are.
  • I ……………….. sleeping when the telephone rang.
  • When you phoned I …………… working in the garden.
  • When I got up this morning the sun ………….. shining.
  • ‘Have you finished that report? ‘ ‘I ……………….
  • I ……………….. painting all day yesterday. am.
  • The children ………………..
  • She ………………….

Is Am are exercise for class 3?


  • My brother is a doctor.
  • You are my best friend.
  • She is a pretty girl.
  • I am your neighbour.
  • They are our guests. We should treat them well.
  • The boys are learning their lessons.
  • The girls are singing.
  • The birds are flying in the sky.

Is Am are use for class 2?

They are called ‘be’ verbs or ‘being’ verbs. ‘Am’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘is’ used with singular nouns and pronouns. ‘Are’ is used with plurals nouns and pronouns. Note: ‘Are’ is used with ‘you’ in both singular and plural form.

Is Am are sentences for Class 5?


  • Janaki is my best friend.
  • Varun is coming with us.
  • Krishna is a great flutist.
  • My parents are very religious.
  • I am the eldest child of my parents.
  • My children are very curious.
  • They are all waiting for us.
  • She is my best friend.

Is Am are using sentences?

Use are when the subject is a plural noun or a plural pronoun (e.g. we, you, they). Use am when the subject is the first person pronoun I. I am a teacher. I am working on my computer.

Where do we use is am?

Am is for the first person singular (I am), is is for the third person singular (he is, she is, it is) and are is for the first person plural (we are), the second person singular and plural (you are) and the third person plural (they are).

Is Am are K sentences?

Am Is and Are = हूँ , हैं , हो ….How to Use Am Is and Are with Positive Sentences in Hindi.

1. मै खुश हूँ . I am happy.
3. वह चालाक हैं . He is clever.
4. मैं अमीर हूँ . I am rich.
5. वह पतला हैं . He is thin.
6. वे लोग बुद्धिमान हैं . They are wise.

Is Am are negative sentences?

Negative sentences are declarative statements. That is, they relay information believed to be true. Negative sentences are typically formed by adding the word “not” after the helping verb. The most popular helping verbs are a form of “to be,” including “am,” “is,” “are,” “was” and “were.”

Is Am are negative?

The negative form of question tag of ‘am’ is ‘aren’t’. Is it allowed in any slang of English using ‘amn’t’? The negative tag is always “aren’t I”. A literary way would be “Am I not?” …but NEVER “amn’t”, not even in slang.

What more do I want make it negative?

Answer. Answer: I don’t want anything more.

What is the negative form of shall?

The negative form of shall is shan’t. We don’t use don’t, doesn’t, didn’t with shall: I shan’t be home tomorrow night.

What is the meaning of negative?

Negative means focused on what is bad or lacking. A negative ad tells you bad things about the competition. A negative person loves to complain. In math, a negative number is less than zero. People who see the glass half empty have a negative outlook.

What is the definition of negative impact?

1 adj A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful., (Antonym: positive) The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative…, All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system. ♦ negatively adv ADV with v.

What is negative stress called?

Stress can be positive or negative, depending on the situation. Positive stressors (called eustress) may include an upcoming wedding, the holidays, or pregnancy. On the other hand, negative stress (called distress) results in the full-blown stress response.

What does negative statement mean?

Negative statements are the opposite of positive statements and are necessary to express an opposing idea. The following charts list negative words and helping verbs that can be combined to form a negative statement.

How do you respond to a negative statement?

Answering Negative Questions

  1. The best thing to do is give them a FULL answer, not just yes or no.
  2. In most cases, it doesn’t matter if you start with yes or no.
  3. Aren’t you finished yet?
  4. You don’t like peanuts, do you? (
  5. You should answer, “No, I don’t”.
  6. For example:
  7. Aren’t you going to join the group?
  8. Won’t you be cold if you don’t wear your coat?

Is withdraw positive or negative?

If a positive number is a deposit to a bank account, then a negative number is a withdrawal from that bank account. If a positive number is a quantity of minutes in the future, then a negative number is a quantity of minutes in the past.

What does negative sentence mean?

A negative sentence (or statement) states that something is not true or incorrect. A negative adverb has to be added in order to negate or “cancel” the validity of the sentence. This “negation” element is created according to the following general rule.

What is negative form in English grammar?

Negative forms Negation is the process that turns an affirmative statement into its opposite denial. Example: She is a nice girl – She is not a nice girl. Verbs in English are negated by placing the word not after an auxiliary or modal.

What are affirmative and negative sentences?

An affirmative sentence simply states something. It is any declaration that is positive. An affirmative sentence expresses the validity of truth of an assertion. An affirmative or positive sentence means something is so, while a negative sentence – which is its polar opposite – means something is not so.

Do you need to have negative sentences?

The negative of have to is formed using do not, does not, did not or don’t, doesn’t, didn’t: We don’t have to pay for the food. The negative of have got to is formed by adding not after have.

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