Is it OK to have polio vaccine twice?

Is it OK to have polio vaccine twice?

Yes, it is safe for your child to receive three (or more) injections at one time. Many countries have already been doing this and have proven that it is generally safe for the child to receive multiple injections during the same visit.

What are the risks of polio vaccine?

IPV has not been known to cause serious problems, and most people don’t have any problems at all with it. However, any medicine could cause a serious side effect, such as a severe allergic reaction or even death. The risk of polio vaccine causing serious harm is extremely small.

What side effects can occasionally occur after IPV administration?

  • Irritable, crying, unsettled and generally unhappy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Headache (usually in adolescents and adults)
  • Pain, redness and swelling at injection site.
  • Occasionally, an injection-site nodule; may last many weeks; no treatment needed.
  • Low-grade fever.

How long do Immunisation side effects last?

Side effects after immunisation are mostly mild and usually last one to two days. The most common side effects are fever (that is, a temperature over 38.5°C), and redness, swelling and tenderness around the area where the needle went in to the skin. Babies may be unsettled or sleepy after immunisation.

How many times polio drops in a year?

Each child requires just two drops per dose to be immunized against polio. Usually administered four times if the EPI schedule is followed, OPV is safe and effective in providing protection against the paralyzing poliovirus.

How many years should we put polio drops?

What is the minimum number of times my child should be given Polio drops? Key Response: For protection, all children must be immunized against polio, with OPV every time it is offered- up to age 5.

What should be the gap between polio drops?

The first dose of polio vaccination in India can be given at birth. Thereafter two more doses are given at a gap of 4 weeks each. To put it simply, the first dose is given at birth, the second dose at the age of one month and the third dose at the age of two months.

Can we give milk after polio drops?

The injectable polio vaccine now recommended in the United States is inactivated and poses no risk when given to mothers who are breastfeeding. [1,2] Breastfeeding also appears to reduce infant side effects associated with routine childhood immunization and can reduce the efficacy of oral polio vaccines.

Can we eat non veg after polio drops?

There are no significant food restrictions that need to be followed. Give your baby something to eat about half an hour before the vaccination and you can give something about half an hour after the vaccine.

When can I eat after OPV?

One group was on unrestricted breast-feeding with mandatory breast-feed during the interval between 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after each dose of OPV. In four groups of infants breast-feeding was withheld for three, four, five, and six hours both before and after each dose of OPV.

When was polio at its worst?

In the United States, the 1952 polio epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation’s history, and is credited with heightening parents’ fears of the disease and focusing public awareness on the need for a vaccine. Of the 57,628 cases reported that year, 3,145 died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis.

Can poliomyelitis be cured?

There is no cure for polio, it can only be prevented. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, can protect a child for life.

What animal did polio come from?

The discovery by Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper in 1908 that polio was caused by a virus, a discovery made by inoculating macaque monkeys with an extract of nervous tissue from polio victims that was shown to be free of other infectious agents.

Where is Polio most common?

Polio remains endemic in two countries Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Does polio still exist 2020?

Five out of six World Health Organization regions are now certified wild poliovirus free—the African Region, the Americas, Europe, South East Asia and the Western Pacific. Without our polio eradication efforts, more than 18 million people who are currently healthy would have been paralyzed by the virus.

What is the key symptom of polio?

Paralysis is the most severe symptom associated with polio, because it can lead to permanent disability and death. Between 2 and 10 out of 100 people who have paralysis from poliovirus infection die, because the virus affects the muscles that help them breathe.

What is the mortality rate of polio?

The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.

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