Is it spelled check or Cheque?

Is it spelled check or Cheque?

Cheque is the British English spelling for the document used for making a payment, whereas American English uses check.

Is Bank feminine or masculine?


English French
11. bank (noun) Synonym: embankment talus (masculine noun)
12. bank (noun) rangée
13. bank (noun) levéede terre (feminine noun)
14. bank (transitive verb) gagner

What is a Chèque Cadeau?

British English: gift voucher /ˈɡɪft ˌvaʊtʃə/ NOUN. A gift voucher is a card or piece of paper that you buy at a shop and give to someone, which entitles the person to exchange it for goods worth the same amount.

Is Week feminine or masculine in French?

The days of the week in French themselves are masculine. So, we say le lundi (=Monday), un mardi (a Tuesday). The French days of the week also also start with a lowercase letter, rather than being capitalised (like in English). A week is une semaine.

Is Thursday feminine or masculine?

12 Answers In French, the days of the week are: lundi (Monday), mardi (Tuesday), mercredi (Wednesday), jeudi (Thursday), vendredi (Friday), samedi (Saturday) and dimanche (Sunday). They are all masculine in gender.

Is Nuit feminine or masculine?

Senior Member. In French, Spanish and Italian, it is feminine: la nuit, la noche, la notte.

How do you say 4 45 in French?

Il est is the only correct phrase for telling time. You cannot say c’est une heure….Telling time in French.

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il ?
It’s 4:45 Il est cinq heures moins le quart Il est quatre heures quarante-cinq 4h45
It’s 5:10 Il est cinq heures dix 5h10

Are all days in Spanish masculine?

All days of the week are masculine For those of you who haven’t learned the Spanish definite and indefinite articles, remember: El is a definite article, like the English word “the.” It’s used with singular nouns. In this case, use it when talking about a specific day of the week.

What is words in Spanish?

word noun. words. palabra, vocablo, voz; orden; noticias.

What are the numbers in Spanish from 1 to 30?

1 – 100 Spanish Numbers

1 uno 2 dos 5 cinco
11 once 12 doce 15 quince
16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 20 veinte
21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis 27 veintisiete 30 treinta

What are the 12 months in Spanish?

Months of the Year in Spanish

  • enero — January.
  • febrero — February.
  • marzo — March.
  • abril — April.
  • mayo — May.
  • junio — June.
  • julio — July.
  • agosto — August.

What are months called in Spanish?

Enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubure, noviembre, diciembre.

What is months of the year in Spanish?

So you will notice that all the months sound very similar to their English counterparts. So, the months of the year in Spanish are enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre.

Do you capitalize months and days in Spanish?

In proper Spanish language, the days of the week as well as the months of the year are capitalized.

What are all the body parts in Spanish?

The Body Parts in Spanish

  • Arm — el brazo.
  • Back — la espalda.
  • Backbone — la columna vertebral.
  • Brain — el cerebro, el seso.
  • Breast, chest — el pecho.
  • Buttocks — las nalgas.
  • Calf — la pantorrilla.
  • Ear — el oído, la oreja.

What verb means to die in Spanish?


What are the body parts in French?

Parts Of The Body In French

  • the body — le corps.
  • the part of the body — la partie du corps.
  • the head — la tête.
  • the face — le visage.
  • the eyes — les yeux.
  • the mouth — la bouche.
  • the tooth — la dent.
  • the nose — le nez.

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