Is it worth repairing an over the range microwave?

Is it worth repairing an over the range microwave?

Over-the-range units Because they are built-in, over-the-range microwaves may be worth repairing, especially if the unit is less than two or three years old (and, of course, if it is protected by a service warranty). The accessibility of the unit affects the repair cost, however.

Is a crack in a microwave door dangerous?

However, a crack may not be as serious as you think. In truth, it all depends on what exactly is cracked on the microwave door as well as how deep it is. If there is a small crack in the glass itself, then you can still use your microwave. Any crack in the door could cause issues and is a safety concern.

Why is my microwave cracked?

When a metal utensil, bowl or wrapper is put in the microwave, it can cause cracks in the bottom of the microwave oven. Some ceramic dishes may inadvertently contain metal or other material that is not conducive to microwave cooking. Make sure to read whether or not the item being placed in the oven is microwave-safe.

How far should over the range microwave be from stove?

Most major manufacturers recommend a distance of 30 inches between the top of the microwave and the surface of the oven. Depending on the height of the oven, this equates to roughly 14 or 15 inches between the underside of the microwave and the stovetop.

Is it okay to have a microwave above a gas stove?

Note: Over-the-range microwaves and Advantiums should not be installed above any gas range or cooktop that has a combined BTU rating over 60,000 BTUs, not including the oven/broiler BTUs. Gas ranges require a 6″ side wall clearance above the counter height for proper distance from combustible surfaces.

How much clearance is needed between gas stove and microwave?

The National Kitchen and Bath Association recommends that the bottom of the microwave should be no higher than 54 inches above the floor, which would allow for 18 inches of clearance between the microwave and the typical cooktop height of 36 inches.

How much clearance is needed around a microwave?

1″ clearance in the rear. The front edge of the microwave (measured at door) should sit at least 3″ or more back on the counter or shelf to avoid accidental tipping. If located on the counter near a range, we recommend locating it at least 2 ft away. Do not place near or over a heat source.

How much space do you need for a 30 inch stove?

Secondly, how much space do you need for a 30 inch stove? 30″ (76.2 cm) min. clearance between the top of the cooking platform and the bottom of an unprotected wood or metal cabinet. Gas ranges require 1″- 6″side wall spacing above the counter height for proper combustion.

How much space do you need in front of a stove?

How much space should be provided in front of a kitchen stove? A minimum clearance ‘work zone’ of 40” (102 cm) should be provided in front of a kitchen stove, with a larger 48”-60” (122-152 cm) clearance provided between other kitchen appliances.

How much space should be between stove and countertop?

Allow at least 15 to 18 inches of counter space on one side of the oven. Allow counter space on both sides of the stove or stovetop – 12 to 18 inches on one side and 15 to 24 on the other. Allow 18 to 30 inches of counter top on one side of the sink and 24 to 36 on the other.

Should countertop be flushed on stove?

All stove manufacturers advise that the cooktop should be even, or flush, with the countertop surface. However, it can be a bit of a challenge leveling the stove properly while also aligning it with your countertop, especially if the stove is being installed in between two countertops (one on each side of the stove).

Where should a sink be placed on a countertop?

Position the template so it is centered on the sink cabinet and is at least 1 1/2 inches back from the countertop’s front edge. If your countertop is deeper than 24 inches, place it farther back, but not more than 4 inches.

How do you fill a gap between a wall and a stove?

Fortunately, there are such things called stovetop extenders. These are made of vinyl or stainless steel and can be easily installed to fill this unsightly gap between the stove and the back wall.

Should there be a gap between stove and wall?

There should be two inches of space between the back wall and a drop-in or slide-in (gas or electric) style range. A freestanding range (gas or electric) requires no space between it and the back wall. There should be at least twelve inches between any style range and the closest sidewall.

Can you put a slide in range against a wall?

Slide-in ranges are not installed directly against a wall, sitting a few inches away from it. Because of this, there is usually a few inches of countertop space that wraps around the back of the cooktop. You’ll also need to update the wall behind your range so it’s immune to steam, water and stains.

Should you put a sink in your island?

Sinks tend to attract clutter, dirty dishes, and, often, become an area for clean, drying dishes. One way to keep a sink in the island while avoiding mess is to put the main, cleaning sink against a window or wall and put a small prep sink in the island. This will promote a cleaner, sleeker-looking island.

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